Jan 28, 2007


Mike & I haven't taken a picture together in a long time. I had Mike's dad take some last night to document that we are still in fact alive & happily married. It felt a bit like prom. Anyway- We went out to New Canaan to attend a wedding reception. The Condon's (old family friends from Spokane) daughter, Rachel, married a guy from New Canaan. Small world. This is actually the third girl (myself included)from my church in Spokane to marry a guy from the church in New Canaan. Rachel's dad actually delivered me 24+ years ago. We've known their family a really long time.


We finished watching Season 1 of Lost a few weeks ago, and finally bought Season 2 yesterday. We managed to watch the first several episodes last night, but this resulted in staying up far too late last night. We decided to continue to document our weekend by taking a here-we-are-in-our-pj's picture just before going to sleep.

We followed tradition by stocking up on frozen chicken, cheese, toilet paper & protein bars at Costco. Mike is a champ and always insists on carrying everything in. This means a lot, considering that getting home utilizes just about every form of transportation- car, then train then subway home. It's always quite the trip. If there is one thing I hate about New York City, it is the absence of Costco. I LOVE shopping there, although I suppose we don't really have the space to make regular trips anyway.

Metro North (leg #2 of the trip home).

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