Mar 10, 2007

Almost time to go...

My Saturday started off very... quietly. This is not a sight you often see on a New York City subway. As a matter of fact, this morning was only the 2nd time in two years that I have been the sole passenger in a subway car. I enjoyed it, for the 2 stops it lasted, anyway.

I got a pedicure this morning. Raspberry pink, in honor of spring & a vacation. My toes have been dark all winter long (I've really liked the dark red colors- almost black) and it is time to lighten things up a little bit. After a little foot-pampering, I walked down to Union Square where Mike and I met for lunch at Max Brenner: Chocolate By the Bald Man. You sort of feel like you are eating inside Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory when you are there, but it is delicious and I love it. We both had "normal" dishes (i.e., no chocolate), but went for the Peanut Butter Crepe for dessert - "Melted chocolate chunks and peanut butter, toffee bananas, warm toffee cream, vanilla ice cream, crunchy bits". It was ridiculously good. This being said, I didn't eat dinner tonight thanks to such a big lunch!

We walked through the Farmer's Market at Union Square, ran a few errands, and came home to do laundry (well, Mike did laundry- I took a much needed nap). We have spent the last few hours packing, which has turned out to be quite the process. Each day has about three different activities that require completely different outfits- e.g., business casual in the morning, "sport" activity in the afternoon, and a dressy dinner (most of this applies to Mike- I'll be sitting by the pool while he's wearing his slacks and shirt, but still... I have at least 2 each day). My suitcase is BIG and FULL. I prefer to over-pack anyway, but my suitcase is much too large for a 5 day trip.

Our flight is a little long tomorrow- about 5 1/2 hours, but I'm not complaining. We have our laptop, a few good movies, and books to keep us occupied.

Forecast for Carefree, AZ - 87 degrees tomorrow, 90 each day after that. I can't wait.


Unknown said...

Kathryn: have so much fun! don't forget to post some exciting updates (AND PICTURES OF WARM WEATHER!). did I mention that I love your new dress? I do! too bad we're not roommates any more. :)

Missy said...

Aaah, I'm so excited for you! Please post while you are there and let us know of all the fun things you are doing. Did you get a new swimsuit for the trip too?

k. said...

I loved borrowing your clothes, Kelli. Such great taste, always. Oh- and I love your new JCrew dress. I think it looks fine, extra room on the top and all.

Missy- Mike and I went to Puerto Rico last summer, so I stocked up on swimsuits then. I brought three: a one piece, a tankini and a bikini. I thought I'd cover my bases. :) I'm as white as a ghost though, so pool time has been a little traumatic. Oh well.

Unknown said...

Kathryn, want to help me find some fancy pantsy jeans?? I could use some new wardrobe items.

k. said...

Kelli- I'd love to. :) We can go shopping next week if you want! I'll be there Thur pm through Sunday pm. Friday?? Nordstrom is always a good place, as is Nordstrom rack up in SLC... I bought one of my favorite pairs of jeans at Old Navy of all places if your looking for something that isn't $150+. I like Banana, too. We can also try my sisters boutique that she sort-of works at still. I'll see if we can get you a discount.

Can't wait to see you!