Apr 1, 2007


2:31. I woke up at 9:30, after a later-than-usual bed time last night. Ate breakfast (Kashi) on the couch around 10:30 in my PJ's. I spent an hour and a half sorting through my 4,000 or so mp3s, trying to purge myself of the N'Sync songs that have managed to stay in my files. I don't want my new ipod to have boy bands on it. Conference started at noon. We have to watch it via the internet, on our computer, which means that the connection is often choppy and broken. And the screen is quite small. We plugged the computer into our stereo system to get the total effect of the Tabernacle Choir. This means we are basically pioneers, right? I miss being able to watch conference on a local channel, or satelite.

I managed to make a quick lunch (during conference). Tomato & pepper soup from Trader Joe's and grilled cheese sandwiches. Is it normal that Mike had never had the grilled cheese & tomato soup combo before he met me? I found this odd. Conference ended at 2:00. It was a great session. I wanted to go on a walk, despite the chilly & grey weather. But- I just heard Mike snore from the other room, which means that is not happening. Here I am, at 2:34 (now) in the afternoon, still in my pajamas, yellow polka-dotted headband and slippers.


Heidi said...

My husband had also never had grilled cheese and tomato soup befor eme. I grew up on that stuff and love it!

I am still in my pj's too, maybe I will try to shower before afternoon sessions begins..

Unknown said...

Brad coined grilled cheese and tomato soup his favorite meal. it's a fun one...with all of the bread/gourmet cheese combination options. isn't there a restaurant in NY that is only grilled cheese..in every variation?

Mike said...

Kelli - Yes there is, I believe we went there with you and Brad. I have to say that Kathryn's blew it away today.

k. said...

Do you remember that place, Kelli? It's called Grilled Cheese NYC. We haven't been back since, but I thought it was good, right? I'm not sure how you could go wrong (except that I was a little leery of the strange ones that they had- with pickles, etc). Mine really weren't that good. Cheese and bread = always yummy.

Missy said...

Ok, I meant to comment earlier. Devin had never put the tomato soup and grilled cheese combo together either. I grew up on it as well. And I expect that my kids will too. It just goes.

Actually it kinda sounds good right now.

We used to always watch conference on our laptop too. It was terrible and we always fell asleep. Then we got cable and paid the $3 extra dollars for KBYU. Yes, we'll be getting devotionals. Oh dear.