Apr 29, 2007

The big day.

April 30th, 2005. Spokane, Washington.

Spokane LDS Temple (it's "mini"). It was about 68 degrees with a slight breeze. Absolutely perfect.

The dress.

The site of the luncheon & reception (Glover Mansion in Spokane).

The bouquet.


The (Hudson) family. The fish face: We had a family picture taken when I was about 4, and I kept doing the "fish face". We replicated it here... just for fun.

The girls.

(Most of) The nieces and nephews.

One of my favorite pictures from our wedding. Mike's finger swelled up and he panicked when he couldn't get his ring off (I think he was just reconsidering).

The boys.

The shoes (I wore 5 inch heels ALL DAY- adrenaline pushed me through until the very end of our reception, when the back-up slippers [also pink] had to come out).

More kisses.

The bride.



Lula. said...

What a beautiful wedding. You looked so stunning.

Unknown said...

has it really been that long already? I remember sitting in your room talking about shoes and needing to pick up your dress for a final fitting. {And I think I donated a good "marriage" book.} wow. you guys look happy. I like you both.

k. said...

Thanks, Lauren. I had a really good make up artist to help. :)

Kelli, you helped me all the way through! My only regret was not bringing Portia to Spokane... I definitely got shortchanged on the pictures there (but loved my bridals and engagements SHE took). Sigh. Mike and I actually found the "marriage" (aka "sex"!) book when we were packing the other day. It was full of good stuff! :) I will definitely pass along the recommendation to my siblings, friends etc. Your frankness is always appreciated. :)

Missy said...

What book is it? We bought one too.

Where is your bridal taken? I feel like I've seen other pics taken there. Is it Utah or WA?

You do look super cute. I LOVE your shoes.

k. said...

Kelli gave me "The Act of Marriage". It was a good read.

My bridals & engagements were both taken at Thanksgiving Point in Utah. I know... so cliche, but I really liked them. you see the pillars picture (just me in my dress) a lot though. Oh well.

I loved my shoes, too. Not so comfy, but like I said... adrenaline pushed me through, then I had a pair of pink slipper-type shoes to wear. I had my heart set on pink shoes from the beginning, which is funny because I am not really a "pink" girl.

mere said...

You look gorgeous! congrats again.

Heidi said...

Wow those are gorgeous photos!!

My wedding shoes were not very comfy either but I was set on specific heels and it was so worth it.

k. said...

The shoes were defintely worth it. I loved them (and still do). To be honest, I didn't even realize how much my feet hurt until the very, very end of our reception (after an 11am ceremony, a luncheon that lasted until 4, and a reception that went until 9- it was a long day).

And Mary- hello old friend! Congrats to you & baby, too!