Apr 29, 2007

The early days.

Tomorrow is our 2-year anniversary. Mike will be moving us into our new apartment, and I'll likely be at work until late. Not exactly romantic, but sort of fun to be making another move together two years after we made our first. I thought it would be fun to take a look back to where it all began.

Mike's first trip to Spokane to meet the family... May of 2004 (after dating since August of 2003).

Motorcycles @ the cabin.

Mike and I met in August of 2003. We dated on and off, then on, then off, and then on again for the first 6 months or so. :) Once we figured things out, it was smooth sailing... But we were in no rush (as college juniors) to take the "plunge". Mike proposed on December 31st, 2004. He flew in from New Canaan to Spokane, and made it up to our cabin at Priest Lake without me knowing. It was perfectly romantic, and I finally said yes, after asking 2,000 times how he got there.


And another.

We graduated from BYU together a week before we got married. We were able to walk together (both in the college of Family, Home & Social Sciences). Fun, fun, fun.


Heidi said...

I didn't "walk" upon graduation from BYU and I really regret it. I graduated at the same time as my hubby (we were only engaged then), but he wasn't walking either, and a few other events had come up so it just didn't happen. I always tell him now I never got "closure" from my BYU days ;-)

k. said...

To be honest, graduation was BORING. Both days (with the college, and the University convocation) were very, very boring. My dad had just learned how to text-message, so I spent most of the time going back and forth with him and how bored & hungry we both were. That being said... I'm glad we have a few pictures, but we could have just dressed up one day and pretended. :)