Apr 9, 2007

Monday evening.

I have been ravenous today. This is not normal. I had a small(er) breakfast. Maybe this was the problem, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. I had soup for lunch. Never a problem, but today... my stomach felt like a bottomless pit. I tried almonds (they always help). Nothing. My soy chips I brought as a snack (with bits of chocolate- perfect for my afternoon sweet tooth). No respite. I drank loads of water, just in case my thirst mechanism was completely out of whack. I got home and the only thought in my brain was, "Must. Have. Cheese. Tortilla." (my favorite snack). Hmm. What is wrong with me? I'm not pregnant, for those of you wondering. Just hungry. Very, very hungry.

I went grocery shopping at Jubilee after work today, in search of cinnamon or French bread so that I can make Mike stuffed French toast with berries for his birthday tomorrow. My grocery store is fairly international. I can find any type of Asian sauce imaginable. But French bread? You would have thought I was asking for a rare African seed. Cinnamon bread? I should have gone to Whole Foods, but a 20 minute subway ride with rush hour crowds is not worth it for a loaf of bread, as delicious as I'm sure it is. So- I settled with a wide loaf of ciabatta. It should work. I hope. In the meantime, back to my supermarket (less super, more market) complaints. I was looking for cupcake liners last week. The people who work there struggle a bit with English, and kept coming back to me with metal tins, plastic tins, cupcake mix and really, anything other than pastel-colored, paper cupcake liners. After a 25 minute search, I found them. Want light ranch dressing? Good luck. Can't find it at Jubilee. Bulgar wheat (I make hamburgers with it)? They have it every 4 months. It's a strange place. Sigh.

(Insert break to inhale cheese tortilla)

Did I mention that I called my mom 12 times from the bread aisle? She is #4 on my speed dial, and I'm certain that button will soon break. I ask her a lot of questions. A lot. Sometimes silly (sometimes stupid). Among them (no laughing):
  1. Will this explode if I put it in the microave?
  2. How do I make self-rising flour?
  3. If I leave brownies in a pan all day on my counter, will they go stale? What can I do to stop this?
  4. How do I get a berry stain out of Mike's nice shirt?
  5. How do you make your special syrup?
  6. What are the differences between various kinds of pork loins?
  7. Is liquid dishwasher detergent better than powder?
  8. I have a migraine. How do I make it go away? (Mike asked this as I was dying, actually)
  9. I have tomato paste. What can I make for dinner?
  10. Can I use Sourdough in lieu of French?
  11. Will this shrink/melt/get ruined if I wash it?
  12. How do I make a baked potato in the microwave?
  13. How do I make my plant happier?
  14. Does that really happen when you are pregnant?

She is always patient. My dad gets more of the "what is the definition for" and "how does this work" questions, but my mom... She is my one-call-away Martha Stewart.


Heidi said...

I do the same thing to my mom. Specifically recipes and home remedies. Anything medical (migraines, etc.) I call my dad though.

It's nice to have patient parents!

Missy said...

Lucky you with parents you can call anytime of day with the most random questions. I'm usually calling my husband or sister.

I hope your breakfast turns out. And Happy Day to Mike tomorrow.

k. said...

I have good sisters to call, too. My sister Tara is quite the gourmet, and my sister Elizabeth never makes fun of my stupid questions (like last night's "How do you know if a potato has been in the fridge for WAY too long" question).

It's good to have friends for this type of stuff, too. Example: today's email to you, Missy (re: the stuffed French toast), or my email to Kelli asking if she REALLY did like the orange and green sheets from Anthropologie. I'm clearly not a very independent person.

Missy said...

No, I think it is just good to hear people's opinions that we trust. I'm the same way.

Tell us which sheets you end up going with!

Unknown said...

Kathryn, I love all your questions! I understand the quirky markets too. That's all there were in Beacon Hill unti they built a whole foods. It made for expensive (and just weird) ingredient substitutes.

I call: my sister if it's at all related to cooking,
my mom if it's anything medical,
my dad if it's anything spiritual, Brad if it's anything silly,
and have great friends like you...for practical clothing, decorating, etc. etc. advise.