Apr 7, 2007

Real estate.

Mike and I are in Connecticut.

We slept in yesterday morning (hooray for Good Friday), then went to the Upper East Side to meet a broker to look at an apartment. 11:05. He hadn't shown up , so I called.

Max (the broker): "I've been calling you all morning! Are you there?"

Me: "Yes, of course I'm here. We scheduled an appointment yesterday afternoon for 11am today, on the corner of 82nd and 3rd."

Max: "Oh, well I've been trying to get a hold of you all morning to confirm. You never picked up."

Me: "Well, today is Good Friday- I'm not at work. You should have called my cell."

Max: "Okay, well, wait there for half an hour and I'll be there."

Me: "No way. It's freezing cold and we have nothing to do around here."
Max: "I'm just going to hop on the express. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

Me: "Nope. Forget it. We're standing outside the building, and it doesn't look great."

Max: "C'mon, just wait there, I'm on my (CLICK. That's me hanging up.)

So frustrating. I had literally talked to the guy at 4pm the day before to confirm. Grr. Oh well. The building didn't look great, so no huge loss I'm sure, but still. It really bothered me. I don't like this unsettled feeling of not knowing where I will be living in a few months, let alone the prospect of weeks of an hour and a half commute (at least). Sigh. We looked at half a dozen houses and townhouses in New Canaan today, all around $700K for around 1500 sq. feet. It has left me thoroughly exhausted (and depressed). To top it off- my dream home just sold yesterday (the yellow house) for $750K. That left me feeling deflated. I really hate this apartment hunting/house looking process. It is stressful, to say the least. As is thinking about where we want to live for the rest of our lives, what we want to be when we grow up, and how long of a commute are we willing to endure. This is all making me very cranky. I was feeling bright and sunny the other day, and now everything just feels... stressful.


Unknown said...

Maybe it's because your supposed to move to California to join me (hopefully)! That would be fun.

You'll figure it out, Kathryn. The good stuff (and BIG decisions) take time as frustrating as it always is. Maybe the yellow house will be back on the market in 5 years.
Are you doing a Costco run? Just time it for the samples and you'll feel better.

k. said...

I'm too bummed out... I let Mike go to Costco with his dad. I always like to go, but like I said... I'm just cranky.

I know that your sister had a tough time finding her perfect house, too. I'm sure most people do, really. I just feel like there are so many other complicating factors. Sigh.

Is the Burgoyne goal California? I'd love to be in SF or San Diego. It's so beautiful.

Missy said...

Ouch Kathryn. I'm sorry. I really am...disappointment is the worst and with a clothing budget promise too! Just kidding, kind of.

I hope things work out better this week for you.

k. said...

Thanks, Missy. I read your comment on my blackberry and laughed out loud. My first smile of the day! :)

Anonymous said...

I know all about sucky Agents if it makes you feel better which I am sure it doesnt. I am sorry about the house too. Its all really frusterating I know it will all work out.

Bret said...

Just think...you could be living in Ogden or Omaha. It could be worse.