May 6, 2007

Fold or crumple?

Well, which do YOU do?

Kathryn just started a new job. First order of business when starting a new job? Case the bathroom scene - do the stalls come down far enough? Are they cleaned regularly? Is there an ample buffer zone and solid divider between urinals (peripheral vision must be rendered ENTIRELY impaired)? And most importantly, what quality of toilet paper is used?

Citi just got their act together in the TP department. It's been a long time coming. They were previously trying to pass off translucent crepe paper as the real deal. Who do they think they're fooling? I'm a four square fold kind of guy, and anything that requires additional folding is simply sub par. (Kathryn tells me she's a crumpler, so I'm not sure what kind of litmus test she uses to determine quality and capacity- that would drive me insane).

A bit off topic for this blog, you say? Well hey, SOMEONE had to get the conversation off of dresses and the like! And let's not forget - it's still!

*(post publication editorial comment: Kathryn has asked that I clarify that I have not SEEN her crumple first hand, i.e. we're not "that kind of couple")


Anonymous said...

We are all sitting here laughing our hehehe's off! I'm a semi-folder and I probably use too much paper but I feel you can never be too safe. One of my pet peeve's and something I would change if I ever design a house is when a guest bath is just off the family room (like our is) and the floors are echoy. I also think it should be a soundproof room. Mom says the bigger issue is if the toilet paper rolls over or under. I don't pay a lot of attention to be honest.


Unknown said...

my issue is definitely with the way to put the paper on the roll. the picture has it correct. and I go crazy if it's the other way around. I don't like spending time in the bathroom. I think it's gross to read book and play electronic, I crumple. It's just a little bit faster. :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely a crumpler....I had seven kids, remember? There was never time to consider folding...really. I must admit as to having a problem with paper that goes the wrong way -have even been known to change it a time or two in someone else's house - How gauche!!!!
Mike rocks! I just love your blogs!

Lula. said...

Mike you are so funny. I agree with your mom about the roll going over instead of under. Big pet peeve of mine. I have to admit that I am somewhere between a crumpler AND folder...I like to refer to it as a roll-fold. I like to see that you are contributing to your blog considering it is titled for both of you. Congrats on the new pad. It looks awesome!

k. said...

Isn't Mike funny? He needs to blog more.

That's one of the things I love about our new apartment. 1) You cannot hear the bathroom from every single area of the apartment and 2) there is a fan that automatically goes on. Fan = noise buffer.

I'm fairly OCD, but yes, I crumple. No time to fold- or really, why SPEND the time to fold? It only gets flushed.

I'm definitely an "over" roll, instead of the "under" roll. The picture is right, absolutely.