May 10, 2007


There was a power struggle in the Whiting household this evening. The Office started late and ran past 9 PM EDT. That's right. Thursday. 9 PM EDT. What's that, you say? You don't know what's on ABC at 9 PM EDT??

Well if you happen to be a self-respecting male, you probably didn't know that Grey's Anatomy appears in that slot. I've embedded my favorite episode of "Grey's." I'm pretty sure this is, in fact, a real episode.

*NOTE: If you're easily offended by the notion of the mopey/whiny/little-sister-like guy that needs a haircut (George?) engaging in questionable acts with a guy and his man-boobs (an entirely plausible Grey's Anatomy plot), then skip the last 20 seconds.


k. said...

It was the "perfect storm" of conflicting TV shows. Luckily, you can watch both online, but still... We really need TiVo (but I'd rather buy new shoes each month... or something).

Elizabeth said...

That was pretty funny Ryan even Laughed, and he HATES Grey's as well. lucky for us we can now record two shows at the same time or thursday would have been fight night at our house.. (of course me winning) He knows now I dont miss Greys..