May 22, 2007


  • Overheard in the elevator in my apartment building yesterday morning (mother to her not-more-than 11 yr. old daughter): Mother: "You mean you don't want the Apple IPhone? But that's the best. Why would you not want the BEST? I simply do not understand." Girl: "But Mom, I just don't want it. It doesn't have what I want." Mom: "Loud sigh". Are you kidding me? Who on earth buys a pre-pubescent girl a $600 cell phone? Crazy.
  • Similar theme- Most of the kids in our building (we're still getting used to seeing kids around) go to private school. Most wear uniforms. The girls all wear very short pleated skirts, as in cheerleader-short skirts. I don't get it. Again- are you kidding me? What are these parents/principles/educators thinking putting 14 year old girls in Brittany Spears-esque uniforms? To school? Again- I don't get it. The boys on the other hand look sharp. The little boy I sit next to on the shuttle to the subway is always wearing a suit and tie. Very sharp. I'm guessing he goes to a very nice school.
  • I got hooked on The Bachelor this season. Okay- I only started watching it the 2nd to last episode. Still- I'm glad Tessa got the ring. Frankly though, the show made me a bit nauseous. It was hard to watch at times, especially listening as Andy read the girl's cheesy cards with shallow messages. Even watching them kiss... everything just seemed so shallow. I guess I hope it all works out for Andy & Tes. Her ring was definitely a sparkler. Wow.
  • When Dave was here last weekend, we came out of the subway and he said, "Gross, it smells like garbage!!". I didn't even notice. Really, I was just thinking about the fresh air that is so nice when you come out of the subway tunnel. I didn't notice. At all. I am immune to the smell of garbage. Nice.
  • I have to admit- Mike and I are guilty of watching Sex and the City reruns on TBS & TNT (yup- it's on both). Only one or two nights a week. Terrible, I know. But really- they aren't so bad when they are edited. It's fun to see my city, too (if only from a slightly different perspective).
  • I'm the matron of honor in my BFF's wedding in December. I'm SO excited. It will be a very traditional wedding, and quite frankly, I've never been a part of a mainstream wedding like that. Excited. But- I had a dream the other night that she picked out a purple sequined dress for us to wear. Not cute. She has good taste though. I'm not worried. But- bad dream.
  • I keep thinking about Pam & Jim. I really hope it works out. Sigh.


Jan said...

Re: The Apple IPhone. Stuff. We have too much stuff. Having so much I believe deadens us in a way from what matters most in life. When I fly over our beautiful country as I did this past weekend, I am overwhelmed by what is really important. I hope I am a good steward over all that is mine to love and cherish. The rest is just stuff.

Heidi said...

I watch Bachelor too. SOOO glad he didn't pick Bevin.

I have not seen it in a very long time but when SATC came to TBS, I watched every single episode. I loved it. I thought because I was an umarried senior at BYU (I know- so ridiculous) I could relate with the hilarious "will I ever find someone" drama/weird dating stories- minus the sex obviously. Anyway, that is my confession.

k. said...

Bevin sounds like the name of a poodle. I did not like her (and she was the exact replica of a roommate I had at BYU who dated Mike before I met him [and before I even lived with/knew her], and subsequently was not-so-nice to me). I like Tessa. Still though- the show makes me nauseous. How cheesy would you feel having a romantic/intimate conversation with 4 cameras? Awkward.

Heidi said...

yes- very awkward!

Heidi said...

Okay totally random but my mom saw your husband's comment on my blog and she wants to know if his dad is named Mike Whiting too because she knew two Mike Whitings at BYU back in her day...

k. said...

Funny Heidi. :) I just responded on YOUR blog so that your mom could see. It definitely could be him (Mike's uncle, not father). Small world!

Lindsey said...

I wish I could watch edited SATC! No TBS or TNT here though. I can relate with the girl will not be wearing a skirt that short. The shortness cannot be part of the mandatory uniform, right?

Unknown said...

I went to a Catholic school in 8th grade {uniform!} and there was the same standard: SHORT skirts. I guess it was a way for certain girls to choose to set themselves apart from the ruffles and horrible Keds shoes. {Funny though that you would get sent to the office for not saying "ma'm" or "sir."}

I'm excited to see what you do end up wearing for the wedding. Any ideas?

k. said...

I think that the short skirts REALLY are that short. I see the same baby-blue ones all over the Upper East Side. WAY too short. I'll try to snap a picture (or would that make me a pedophile- nevermind).

Kelli- no idea for the wedding, except that she wants to do a midnight blue. Could be really pretty... I've never really worn blue.

Lula. said...

I too keep thinking about Pam and Jim. I love Jim. That episode made me so happy. It has to work out.