May 5, 2007


  • The Upper East Side is fun. We had dinner with Kellie & Jason last night @ Patsy's which was fun, but even more fun was just walking there. We all commented that it felt like 5 minutes (even though it was probably 20). Good times with good friends. Our new neighborhood just feels alive. There were people everywhere, restaurants with their windows open, all sorts of stores and boutiques that I was making mental notes to go visit... It felt so nice. It's also fun to not have to take the subway everywhere. True, between our apartment, the Robbin's apartment, the restaurant and back, we probably walked a few miles (at least), but this is nothing we aren't used to. We walk a lot in the city. It's inevitable, unless you want to spend your salary on cabs. We got home around midnight. Even then, the streets were still buzzing.
  • Speaking of the street- I got flashed last night. Yup. I saw a man's penis on 76th and 3rd Avenue, at about 8:30pm. He was standing right by a car, clearly visible from the sidewalk where I was walking. Ok- he may have just finished peeing on the street (we couldn't tell), but nonetheless- it was public exposure. It was a beautiful night and I really didn't need to see it. Mike only saw it out of his peripheral vision, but me... Clear view. No fun. I was traumatized for about a minute, but thought about all of the other awful looking things I have seen in the past few years in the city. It could have been far worse. It's sort of funny to think about now, especially after watching The Office on Thursday, and odd because it was a relatively normal looking man. But still- eww.
  • People like bagels a lot on the Upper East Side. There are bagel shops everywhere. There are also tons of restaurants. Just around the corner from us: Thai, Indian, Mexican, fried chicken (we will likely not go there), Japenese and Argentine. We definitely have options.
  • There are a lot of children in this neighborhood. When I take the shuttle to the subway in the morning, there are always several teenagers getting dropped off at their local jr. high. It is strange to see mid-size humans. We are used to seeing babies at church, but TEENAGERS? That is going to get some getting used to. There are always kids playing outside in their school uniforms. Very cute, but again- not used to seeing small people.

Today is Saturday. I'm going running at the park (laps around the Reservoir again) in a few minutes, going to a trunk show for Shabby Apple, a sample sale for LeSportSac, and Trader Joe's to get some groceries back in my fridge. And maybe the Container Store. I love that place. Should be a productive day. Oh- and it is going to be beautiful. 70 degrees. Yay.


Anonymous said...

You sound so happy! Tara and I read your description of last night, first thing this morning - fun! (except for the obvious) Have a great day!

Heidi said...

Do remember my very first comment I ever made on your blog? how I am oh so jealous of your NYC life? Well this just confirmed that again. Sounds like so much fun. I LOVE walking places and despise cars- so walking 20 minutes to dinner sounds like heaven to me!

Unknown said...

Ooohh. Yuck that you got flashed. I don't care how much you've seen...that's NEVER pleasant!
Here's something random: I really love the Method soap that I noticed you have in your kitchen and bathroom.. :)

Missy said...

Your Saturday agenda sounds fabulous Kathryn. Give an update about the Shabby Apple dresses too. Do they live up to what everyone is saying? Did you get a sac?

PS: Way to go on the running. I still have a training plan I need to send you. Will do this week.