May 2, 2007

Wish list.

wag·on [wag-uh n]
1. a four-wheeled vehicle designed to be pulled or having its own motor and ranging from a child's toy to a commercial vehicle for the transport of heavy loads, delivery, etc.
2. an automobile with one or more rows of folding or removable seats behind the driver and no luggage compartment but an area behind the seats into which suitcases, parcels, etc., can be loaded through a tailgate.

Perhaps, someday, we will have the need to own a car. Until then, my Saucony sneakers are my favorite mode of transportation. With our new UES location, I'm walking about one-plus-a-smidgen miles each day to and from the subway station. Hopefully I'll get great legs out of the deal, but I'm not complaining either way. I like the supplemental exercise & the fresh air.

But I digress. If and when we get a car, I want the Audi A4 Avant. I love it. I love wagons. Is that strange? I'm definitely not a minivan person, or even an SUV person. I'm a wagon person.

I also like the Volkswagen Passat Wagon.

And of course- who can forget the Subaru Wagon.



Jan said...

Really? Who would have guessed? A wagon person...MY daughter!

k. said...

What kind of car would you pick for me then? Hmm.

Unknown said...

I LOVE wagons. They are the best option: small enough to get great gas milage but still plenty of storage and leg room. They are usually AWD and sport the "outdoorsey" look. They are made for confident people that are practical yet adventurous {if I do say so myself!}. I've always loved the Audi all road but they seem to have issues..unless you can afford a new one by the time your warranty runs out. I'm SUCH a Subaru person. A forever fan. You would be SO hooked if you drove one. :)

k. said...

Kelli, I think you should do commercials. :)

My boss @ work has the allroad and I've ridden in it a dozen times. I love it. What kind of issues do they have? Aesthetically, it is my favorite (and it also has hydrolics). I also love the Mercedes wagon, but that is a bit of a long shot. Oh- and I love the Saab wagon, but it's a bit small.

Mike said...

non wagon wagons are useless (by this I mean sedans with hatch backs). My two cents.