Jun 13, 2007

:( = me

I'm bummed. This was my first-read email of the morning. Shoot.

I'm already running 2 half marathons in the upcoming months (the NYC half in August, and the Nike Women's Half in San Francisco with Tara & Kera in October). BUT STILL. I really wanted to get in. I wanted to be forced to do something so challenging. I wanted to accomplish a really big goal. I really wanted the blisters & shinsplints {okay, sort of}. I suppose if I paid enough money or finagled my way, I could run for a charity {I'm not entirely sure how it all works}. I still might look into that... BUT STILL. I had a really great run last night & was feeling so motivated. I still am, for NYC & SF, BUT STILL. Sigh.


Heidi said...

Could you find another full marathon to do this fall/winter to keep your motivation? Or do you already feel like you are traveling enough with the one to SF? There is a full marathon here in Sept or October that is supposed to be the most beautiful course in the US - around Tahoe. however, I think that is probably sooner than you would like.

k. said...

The NYC Marathon is in November. That timing is good. Hmm. Maybe next year? Maybe SLC in the spring or something. Or Moab. But I think that one is hard to get into as well.

Jennifer said...

Kathryn...Missy and I did the SF half a few years ago. I was in NO shape to be doing it, but I finished. It is, to this day, one of my greatest accomplishments. We had a great time and the course is beautiful. It fills up so fast--I haven't paid enough attention to be able to do it since. Maybe next year?

The West Coast will always be here--enjoy your time in NYC.

Meg said...

Bummer- I'm sorry, I know how excited you were about running the NYC... try again next year girl :-)

k. said...

Jen, how did you do with the hills in SF? I've heard that they are pretty brutal. Let's face it, NYC is not the best place for hill-training (it is rather flat). I'm definitely nervous about the hills. Otherwise- I've talked to Missy about it as well, and it sounds like a pretty amazing event. I'm super excited.

And thanks, Meg- I'm dissapointed, but I'll find another one... I hope.

Patrick&Kera said...

hey, don't forget about me here, i am running with you too!

k. said...

And Kera! Of course! (I just went in and fixed my mistake). We will have to much fun. We need to order matching outfits from Athleta or something. :)

Patrick&Kera said...

my friend nichole who is running as well wants to get matching under armer shorts and possibly tops. she has ran a couple and says they are great. that would be super fun, we could do a bright fun color and stick out. another fun idea,,,dedicating each mile to a different person of your choice. the idea is that you think about that person and why you are thankful they are in your life when you run that mile. personally i will only do that for a couple of miles, the rest i will be blasting tunes on my ipod to push me along. . .

k. said...

Does Under Armor = spandex? Hmm. :) I love the idea of finding cute things to wear. I mean hey, it's the "Women's Marathon". I also like the idea of dedicating each mile to someone. You should dedicate Mile #13 to Haidyn. :)

How cold is it in SF in late October?

Jennifer said...

It'll be cold. Especially in the morning. I don't remember ditching ANY layers, but we were more walkers/joggers, so maybe you runners will be ok. I'd say low 60's and OVERCAST. That's cold for SF in October