Jun 27, 2007

Can't wait, Can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!


C & E Hudson said...

Pretty excited for you to come and visit. Great pictures :-)

Heidi said...

Is that Priest Lake? My husband lived in Moscow for two years during college and he is always raving about Priest Lake and how I have to go. Looks so gorgeous!! have fun

Mike said...

so excited!!

Elizabeth said...

so we need to get pics together so next time I am in the collage.. cant wait to see you!!

Anonymous said...

When are you leaving again? I'm really excited for you Kathryn! Is that your parents house or is it your cabin? Fun...and the picture of you guys on the mountain with people hanging their legs over the edge kinda freaked me out. You're totally in the clouds and there is no "ground" below! Take tons of pictures...

Rae said...

I can see why!! I'm very jealous!

Melissa said...

Great pictures! Priest Lake is SO beautiful! I hope we get to see you up there on the 4th! :)

k. said...

Heidi- Yes, Priest Lake. It's my favorite place on the planet. Did Ben go to U of I for two years?

Missy- We leave tomorrow afternoon (Friday). Can't wait. :) The "scary" picture is a place called The Whigwams. You hike about an hour and a half up into the mountains. It's absolutely breathtaking. In hindsight, it was pretty stupid to take those pictures. :) It is a HUGE drop. I have more pictures... this barely does it justice. Again- stupid.

Heidi said...

yes, Ben went to U of I for two years before BYU.

PJ and Julie said...

You look so pretty in that pic with mike...he looks good too, but you know what I mean.

k. said...

Thanks Julie. That was a long time ago (summer of '05?). I think I'm going downhill!