Jun 12, 2007


I consider myself loyal. To friends, to family, to hairdressers...

I've gone to the same tailor for 2 years in NYC & the same shoe repair man {quite important in a city that destroys shoes} for just as long. Gayle @ the Bobbi Brown counter at Bloomingdales has done my brows since a friend recommended her when I first moved to the city. When it was time to find someone to cut my hair, I called Chris in Spokane {who cut my hair all through high school & college, did all of my hair for dances, my senior recital, my sisters wedding & even my own wedding} and asked him for a recommendation. He told me that a guy who had worked at the salon for years had moved to NYC recently. Of course- I had to go to Bradley. The first time I saw him {in Spokane, in high school} he was wearing a feather boa. He is great & I have LOVED him. He is a nice person. He gets me & he gets my hair. I initially had a tough time stomaching the $100 price tag associated with his haircuts, but understood that this is New York {a phrase seemingly used to justify everything}. My hair is long & only needs to be cut every three or four months, so I was okay with this. Until this spring. He raised his prices up to $150 for a cut. I can't do it. I just can't. Psychologically, financially- that is just ridiculous. I would rather buy shoes with the extra $50 {or at least a cute top}. But I LOVE him!!! What do I do?

My friend Corinne recommended that I go to a guy that she has tried {and loved}. I read his reviews on Yelp & was convinced that it would be worth giving it a shot {despite my trust & loyalty issues}. She warned me that I should plan on booking an appointment two weeks out. No problem, right? So I called. The receptionist laughed at me. The next available appointment? September! I can't believe it. It is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. On Saturday, September 15th, I will be getting a hair cut {and paying $150 for Bradley this summer- I'm getting desperate}. The "new guy" will be a steal at only $70, but still- SEPTEMBER? Ridiculous. I should probably book my 2nd appointment now, just in case I like him!! Still though- I feel bad about ditching Bradley. Guilty, actually.


Meg said...

Hey- Funny thing I just came across your blog through a friend of mine in california who had another friend that had your blog :-)

I agree with you on the Hair thing- I have tried three different individuals and I can't seem to find that special person who understands my curly mess. Well good luck with the new guy.

k. said...

Hey! Small world, right? Everyone is connected within one or two blogs... I'm convinced! Visit often. :)

I think I'm just going to have to keep going to Bradley. I really do LOVE him - and I'd recommend him to anyone who is willing to pay- I just feel like it is financially irresponsible to pay that much (half kidding)!!

Tara Edwards said...

So you think that is hard! Try changing hairdressers within the same salon! I still can't figure out how to do it! You could always wait until you come home, have Chris cut your hair, move your September appointment until October, have Chris cut your hair in December, and then come home again within a short period of time using your hair as an excuse! With all the money you would save, you could buy a plane ticket!

Heidi said...

Wow that is sure a lot to pay! I still always wait until I am home i utah to get my haircut by a very old friend- she gives me her special discount, which is $20!! and I love what she does. it is a steal. I do like to be loyal, but I know she would understand if I found someone in Nevada. however, I am too scared to go to some random.

Anonymous said...

Ok, changing hairdressers in the same salong would be the worst! Tell us what you do Tara...

When I first met Devin my haircut cost $150 (cut, dye and I purchased product) and he couldn't believe it. Now he thinks $70 is good...