Jun 11, 2007

A little bit about Mike.

I have a funny husband {and I love him very much- promise}.

Mike doesn't like noodles that are too thick {thick meaning spaghetti-noodle thick}. Angel Hair is the preferred noodle in our apartment.

When he was in California the other week, he asked if I wanted anything. I told him that an In 'n Out tshirt {for the gym} would be fun. His response was, "Hmm, yeah, I don't really like food tshirts on girls." Sometimes he is quirky like this.

He doesn't like flip flops with wide straps or chunky bottoms. He prefers skinny "feminine" flip flops.

On a similar note- he does not like flowy clothes {on me}. He prefers tailored & slim. This means that most of the trends for the season are not his favorite {including the cute peasant top I bought at H&M last weekend, or most of the dresses I wear to church}. We compromise on this one. :)

Continuing on the topic of wardrobe- Finding a dress shirt he likes is rather like finding a needle in a haystack. I've learned a lot about men's dress shirts since meeting Mike. There are spread collars, pointy collars, button collars {these are a big no for Mike}, skinny collars... don't even get me started on the cuffs. There are a million different kinds of cuffs {French, Button, etc} & cuff links. He is also concerned with the width of the shirt {wide, billowy shirts are bad} and also the texture. Shirt shopping is complicated. This being said, Mike is good & would rather save money than go shopping. He prides himself on going as long as he can without buying something new {this is sort of like me... nope}.

Mike absolutely, positively, without a doubt hates fish. I've seen him eat a spicy tuna roll- once. I think he almost threw up. I'm from the Northwest. I LOVE salmon & most things that swim. Not Mike.

He does not like fancy food. He would rather eat a hamburger, quesadilla at home, or lamb & rice from the street. He thinks that he prefers the In 'n Out double-double to the Shack Burger at Shake Shack. I continue to protest, but he said that since I had the regular cheeseburger at In 'n Out & not the double-double, I missed out {something about the meat-to-bun ratio being better with the double-double}.

He's gotten one massage {in Arizona}. He hated it.

Back scratches are one of my very favorite things in life. Mike hates having his back scratched. He always wiggles away. I don't understand how someone could not want to have their back scratched.

He laughs really, really hard when watching The Office or The Colbert Report. I love this sound. It always makes me smile.

He refuses to wear a watch. "No need," he says, with a blackberry & a cell phone always nearby.

He can only sing in-tune in Spanish {and does a great impression of Shakira}.


Heidi said...

I am with him on the fish- I can't do it! Luckily my husband feels the same way so we never have to worry about the other wanting it! Of course, we would be MUCH healthier if we would eat fish. O well.

My husband is quite quirky as well (especially when it comes to what he will wear, what he likes on me, and food). fun post.

Unknown said...

It sounds like Mike is basically the opposite of Brad. (Except for only singing in tune in Spanish. Check.)

I can't do back scratches either. I would prefer a back rub 100%!

k. said...

Opposites attract! Mike and I are opposite on most of these things as well- but we really like each other.

Mike really likes Brad, too. He had fun talking to him when we saw you in March.

Mike said...

yes, i really like Brad... do you think he likes ME????

Missy said...

I just laughed out loud at Kathryn's and Mike's comment. In fact, I'm still laughing. Devin keeps asking me what I'm laughing at. Does Brad like Mike?

Devin hates angel hair pasta. Does Brad like thicker noodles Kelli? Maybe they would like each other better than Mike and Brad.

Unknown said...

Yes. Don't worry. I'm sure Brad likes Mike. He likes EVERYONE. But I like you too Mike. You are likeable.

Brad likes anglehair but he ALSO likes thicker noodles. I'm with you on the non-thick noodles, Mike. I always choose angle hair (or shells). That's strike one for Devin.

My point about Brad and Mike being opposites was simply: every point I read about Mike, I thought "Hmmm. That's not Brad, etc." The moral is: opposites attract. And we appreciate difference. :)

C & E Hudson said...

Hey there, I always love reading your blog. I figured I better say hello since you actually know I have been looking :-) right? Anyway,,, can't wait to see you guys in August. Miss you lots,

k. said...

Erin, I did not know that you read my blog (often)! I just figured that "Spokane" was my mom (the stat counter thing tells you the city & internet provider, etc- not necessarily the name of the person-or, it tells you the path the person took to get to your blog). I can't wait to come to Spokane in August... We'll have fun at the lake (with new baby, too!).