Jun 20, 2007


Today was one of those days {as in terribly, horrible, no good & very bad}. I'm glad that it is 9:21 pm & almost over. I'm also very glad that Mike was nice enough to fold the laundry before I got home {messes stress me out}. However- I'm not glad that I just barely got home from work, & I'm not glad that today is only Wednesday. I really wanted it to be Thursday. Sigh. There is a man who is always playing the drums & singing reggae music at the subway station at 125th Street. He often sings Don't Worry, Be Happy and I was really disappointed that song was not in his repertoire tonight on my way home. I should have made a special request.


Heidi said...

I am sorry- I hate Those days. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

PJ and Julie said...

your blog made me laugh... not cause I like you to be miserable, but because of the reggae man in the subway station. hope tomorrow goes a little bit better!

Unknown said...

Oh, Kathryn. Those days are so discouraging. Don't worry though.. tomorrow IS Thursday. And I hope it's good to you!

k. said...

thanks, friends.