Jul 27, 2007

Lock up Lindsay.

I agree.

"It’s hopeless to argue that we shouldn’t pay attention to this silly, spoiled girl when there are real issues to address, because the reality is that we will. So let’s pay the right kind of attention. Let’s make her an icon of our disgust, an example of when enough is enough, a symbol of what we as a society will neither accept nor tolerate. Let’s use her to demonstrate how tough the criminal law and the criminal justice system can be, not how easily it can be manipulated by those with money and connections."


c-natalie-l-k-l said...

Amen to that!

Patrick&Kera said...

i agree. It really bugs me that we even pay so much attention to these losers. i mean really. AHH. If I was found with COKE (is there another way to spell this ???) in my pocket... there would be hell to pay. Grrrrr.

Heidi said...

I agree too!