Jul 26, 2007


In better days.
My new building, as beautiful as it is, is FREEZING. My office is consistently hovering around 62 degrees. Maybe colder. Oftentimes in the morning, my fingers are so numb that I can barely type. It's cold enough that I wish I was a coffee drinker, anything to get my internal temperature up. We are constantly calling Facilities to ask them to turn the temperature up, but it seems to be of no use. I continue to shiver, the goose bumps still rise. Brr. I think I'm going to bring a lap blanket to work.

The frigid temperatures were painfully evident this morning. My cactus is dead. It's my 2nd recent loss {the other being a result of the Cactus Killer at Goldman Sachs}. I watered as I was supposed to. It was sitting next to the window in my office, getting plenty of light {but not too much direct light- cacti can actually burn like humans do}. The only thing that I can think of is that it is absolutely, ridiculously freezing in here. I wear a jacket most days, and my cold little cactus has had to sit there naked, freezing, dying. I'm sad.


Mike said...


That was your "congratulations on a new job" cactus (aka best gift ever)

k. said...

I'm sorry love. I haven't thrown it out yet. Wanda is keeping it on her desk for a while to try to coax it back to life (she is talking to it, and named it "Grapefruit"). But it's looking pretty dead. :(

Tara Edwards said...

Oh how sad! I'm a plant killer by nature. I killed the pretty plant Mom gave me the last time she visited. I just can't win. I either forget to water plants or I over water them. Turns out you can drown plants! I'm sorry for your loss.

Patrick&Kera said...

it is SO cold and gloomy here. I am ready for Summer to be OVER and get back to sunny most beautiful city ever San Francisco:( oh, did I mention me and my friend want to come to New York sometime . . .

Rae said...

It's FREEZING on the trading floor where I sit. The guys are always complaining while I sit there, with frostbite. It turns out they keep the ac at 60!!! I totally keep a blanket under my desk. It helps.

k. said...

Tara, you need to buy a peace lilly or a jade plant. They are very, very difficult to kill and give me hope that someday I might be able to keep a small child alive.

Kera- please,please please come visit me. That would be so fun. You could bring Haidyn, or my mom could watch her for a weekend. :)