Jul 30, 2007


My dad used this picture of Spencer {my nephew} & me for a recent ad for his practice in Spokane. I was oblivious to its existence until my Grandma sent me the clipping from the newspaper. My first thought- Anyone in Spokane who sees this ad will assume that 1) Spencer is mine, since we are the only two people in the picture, we have the same Hudson features, & I just happen to look a lot like his mom 2) Since he is apparently mine, he must have been conceived shortly after I graduated from high school 3) I am a single parent, since there is no male figurehead pictured and 4) I must be a college drop out. Lovely. Thanks, Dad! :)


Missy said...

That is so funny! I love that you are in the Spokane newpspaper though. Devin's sister and brother-in-law live in Couer 'd Lane (sp??) and he works in Spokane. Maybe they saw it? It's pretty cool though that you made the paper!

Patrick&Kera said...

Spencer's face is classic! Thats great!

Tara Edwards said...

It's like he's trying to show every single tooth in his mouth! And it's a great picture! I'm not crazy about the one he ran with me in it. I think we should get to approve the shots first... :)

Ben said...

5) Spencer is seriously ticked about not having a father figure around.