Aug 6, 2007

1st Trip to the Lake

Every time I see new pictures of Quincy {or Haidyn, or Hudson, or Ellie, etc. for that matter} I just about start to cry. I really, really love my nieces & nephews. Look how beautiful this new baby is! I love that she was at the lake two days after she was born {and that they even dipped her toes in the water}. Erin looks amazing of course, & Quincy is just precious & tiny. Friday is the day! I can't wait.


Heidi said...

I LOVE being an aunt, it is so great!

Tara Edwards said...

They love you too :) Today we ate pizza for lunch and I told Ellie that it was New York Style pizza and she got these huge eyes and said, Kathryn and Mike live in New York! Like it was the coolest thing in the world! Can't wait till Friday!

Jan said...

Yes indeedy - She was at the lake - 25 hours after she was born, or maybe 26 - can't quite remember. We all are excited to be with each other again, aren't we? I can hardly wait either!

Missy said...

I'm so excited for you Kathryn. I kinda hope you can live on the West coast someday (SF is totally doable right??) just so you are close to your family. It's so obvious from your posts that your are enamored with all your nieces and nephews (and need to be near them to spoil and laugh with them).

Beautiful baby. Really, she has such great coloring and looks perfect.

Patrick&Kera said...

SF is totally doable!! good call :)