Aug 7, 2007

3rd time.

I've done this a few times {here & here}, & it has been fun. More than fun, it has been comforting. My blog is public, but I still like to know my audience. I don't like the idea of going private, because it is so great to discover old friends & find new ones on top of that. Rae lives in my same city {& we will eat at Shake Shack together soon}, Heidi & Lindsey swap book ideas with me, & Missy knows me well enough to go purse shopping on my behalf. There's more! All "blog friends", but still friends. But yet. I love StatCounter. It has been a fun tool to see who is reading my blog {& from where}. It gives me a ton of information just short of names & addresses. It's fun to see that people read my blog, & maybe even care about what I have to say. This being said- I still want to know who some of you are that I do not know. When StatCounter tells me "multiple visits over several days", I think that it means that it is time to make a new friend. So- for those of you in New Jersey or Michigan, or even Texas or Oregon {and whoever happens to live on an invisible island on the equator??}, please tell me who you are. I'm friendly, of course.


Kellie said...

Hi Kathryn, I've introduced myself before (Ben and Lauren's friend) and I do love your blog and I love New York - it's my favorite place to visit. I've gotten some great book reads from you and I also use StatCounter on my blog and have loved it. Thanks for letting me come into your world on your blog. You can check ours out too if you'd like. Have a great day! Kellie Knowles

Jan said...

Isn't it amazing how the world shrinks these days as we are connected and interconnected over and over and over again? I love it!

Jordan and Jandee said...

Hi Kathryn -- I'm realitively new to your blog, which I happily stumbled upon surfing "friends" of people who are linked to mine.... Heidi (who has a very cute blog too) is friends with my cousins Damon & Jessica! and voila! since I have found it I love reading your blog because I Love Love LOVE reading and am always looking for new books to read, plus I love all the fun recipes you post & pictures... my family has a food blog too because we are obsessed with making new things! Nice to meet you --Jandee

Heidi said...

I am glad you like Stat Counter because it sort of freaks me out sometimes. I am a little nervous when I see someone off the coast of Africa or in Denmark, or multiple visits from someone in New Jersey are visiting my blog- why and who are these people! I would feel much better about it if I they would say hello and tell me who they are.

Lindsey said...

blogging is fun. I remember when I started reading your blog. You are such a good blogger...quality and quantity of posts! I can't wait to read all these new books thanks to my improved book list too.

p.s. re: the diamond post. I was the same way, could have cared less about an actual diamond...but now I love too many rings at Tiffany and in fact, love diamonds. I think solitares are just classic and beautiful. I love channel bands too! My ring was passed down from Alan's grandma to his mum to me. I love it. It's small (3 small diamonds), simple, antique-ish, and full of history. But I still drop hints about a few chosen rings at Tiffany..:)

k. said...

Lindsey, I'm with you on Tiffany. I especially love their celebration rings. I'd love to get 4 or so of them and "stack" them. They are SO pricey though- you can have something replicated, and pay a third of the price. Just an FYI for any future wish-lists you might have. And- I love that your ring is "special". That would be really neat to have a ring that was passed down through a family.

Patrick&Kera said...

oh cool, I want stat counter. how do you get it?

Anonymous said...

I debated for awhile about whether or not I would introduce myself... I feel like such a weirdo for looking at a blog of someone I don't even know! I can't even remember how I came across your blog but I love it and really enjoy seeing what you have to say. I am so impressed by how often you update too!

Ashley said...

Sorry. I realize I wasn't logged onto my account with my first comment. Now you can go look at my blog and see that I'm not that creepy of a person.

Miller Family said...

I found your blog when I was invited to join the cooking blog you had/have(?) Basically I enjoy reading your interesting posts and I must say I envy how well you write, I definitely do not have that talent. I'm glad you asked to know because like many of the others I sometimes feel weird checking the blogs of people I don't know. Oh I also love New York and like to hear about tried and true restaurants and other fun things to do in the city.

Unknown said...

Oh, Kathryn. It's probably a lot healthier to get rid of the stat counter. Otherwise it just drives you NUTS... right! (Maybe some of those unknown readers come from when you were a "house guest" for us??)

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

Hey, Kathryn! I love reading your blog! You have great posts. I downloaded StatCounter after you first posted it on your site (it's fun!), and I also have someone on the equator checking my blog?! Weird!
I also love seeing what your family is up to! Your dad's post as a thug and the picture of him wakeboarding crack me up! I'm always impressed by Phil!

Natalie (Biasi) Salo

k. said...

Kelli, it's not unhealthy, promise. :) I'm not obsessed with StatCounter- I just think it's fun. I only check it every few weeks, and every once in a while, it's fun to check in and see who's "new". Everyone has been a friend-of-a-friend, etc. I'll keep doing it every few months.

Rae said...

Okay, I need you to tell me how to post the statcounter picture on my blog again. I totally forgot! I want to do a roll call too! (And I'm pretty sure I have the islander near the equator also.) I had someone from Africa leave me a comment once in another language. Haha.

Raechal said...

Hi Kathryn! My name is Raechal and I found your blog through links on both Rachel Hope's and Missy (Rauzon's) blogs. I know both of them through their families....we all grew up in the same stake in CA and I was friends with their brothers in high school. Anyhow...I'm a stay-at-home home with two kids and have never been to NY. I love reading the things you you life seems so different from mine...

elise said...

Hi. My name is Elise. I found your blog through Rachel's also. I am her sister-in-law and I live in San Diego. I was just browsing her blog links and clicked on yours and have found myself coming back. I think your blogs are so creative & fun to read. I love to cook, so I really enjoy the recipes you post. I promise, I am friendly too & totally not a stalker! When you meet Rachel at the Shake Shack, she can vouch for me. Anyway, I have a blog too. If you are interested, the link is on Rachel's. Who knows? Maybe you already have. :o) Elise