Aug 9, 2007

Rock Slides

Have I mentioned how cool the rock slides are at the lake? Granite slabs + garbage bags = giant slip 'n slides. It's a beautiful hike up {about an hour up in the mountains, after driving for about 45 minutes on a very bumpy road}, & a bit of a chilly slide down, but it's a fun summer tradition. We're excited to go next week.
{Pictured far left: My little brother Andrew. Pictured far right: My niece Riley}


Heidi said...

I love things like that! Looks SO fun

Melissa said...

Oh I love going to the rock slides at the lake!! I haven't been for a long time!! Have so much fun!!

Unknown said...

This looks COOL. I would LOVE it too. Even more fun that you have to hike to get there and brave the chilly water. Such an adventure.