Aug 6, 2007

The View.

This is the block in Harlem that I walk down each day on my way to the Metro North station at 125th Street. The subway station is on the corner {at Lexington Avenue}. Harlem really isn't that bad, besides the occasional crazy person or blowing trash episode. Or, come to think of it, days when it smells like hot poo. I don't like those days either. Anyway- The "Iglesia Pentecostal" church on the left side of the street has church on the sidewalk on Wednesdays. About a dozen really old people sit in chairs out on the sidewalk & a really old man yells the good word into a microphone {& out through really loud speakers}. One of these nights, I'm going to sit down & listen.

Also- normally I edit my pictures to make them "happy" {I love the "glow" feature in Picasa}, but this morning was just a grey, gloomy start to the week. It was topped off by me taking the local train {a solid 20 minutes longer than the express} just so I could catch up in my book, only to realize as soon as I sat down that I left my book at home. Sigh.

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