Aug 4, 2007

Went went to the beach today.

We went to the beach today- Long Beach {NY} that is. The water was gross {filled with seaweed & shells for the first 15 feet- I couldn't see my toes & decided I shouldn't go in any further} & the beach was too crowded for my taste, but it was still nice to get out in the sun for a few hours today. We only stayed for 2 1/2 hours because it was SO hot today. We probably won't go back any time soon, but it's nice to know that we have the option anyway. I miss West Coast beaches...

Bryan {Mike's little brother} is staying with us for the weekend.

Apparently this car has some significance with Back to the Future. It's a DeLorean. I've never heard of it {had to Google it for the spelling} & didn't remember it from the movie, but Mike & Bryan were pretty excited.

And just for fun- this is what our fridge has looked like for the last week. It's not a pretty sight. Anyone have recipes that use leftover corn, tomato sauce, eggs & tortillas? I finally went to Trader Joe's with Kellie tonight so that we could have something to make for dinner tomorrow {Barbeque chicken sandwiches, corn on the cob, lemonade & strawberry shortcake}. I'll get my act together when we get back from Spokane...


Melissa said...

When will you be in Spokane? I will be going up with my cousin on the 12th with the kids. I will be there the 12th-19th. I am excited for one more summer trip home! I know you are too! Anyway, I would love to see you if we will be there the same time. Let me know! :)

The beach picture of you two is so cute!

k. said...

Oh fun! I'll be there. :)

I get in on the 10th, and will be at the lake until the 19th. I think we'll go to church on the 19th, then we fly back that evening to NYC (red eye). Hope we can see you! Will your family be at the lake at all that week?

Heidi said...

You should make breakfast burritos- that is my go to when our fridge looks similar- tortillas, scrambled eggs, salsa, and cheese.

I have never been to a beach on the east coast, looks different, but still cool.

Melissa said...

I will be leaving the 19th in the morning so I will miss you at church, but my family might be going to the lake Friday or Saturday. I hope it works out to see you!

Jan said...

Yea! I can't wait to see Melissa at the lake - Nothing is better than having family AND dear friends to share our fun in the sun with.

Patrick&Kera said...

we were looking at your blog earlier today (this is Kera by the way) and Patrick turned to me and said "Isn't my sister looking good" I agreed. You look like a movie star!

Ben said...

Did it a flux capacitor? It has always been a little dream of mine to get a DeLorean (there are usually one or two on ebay) and put a fake flux capacitor between the seats.

Ben said...

The above should obviously read "Did it have a flux capacitor." :(

Missy said...

Wish I had a recipe for those ingredients. Heidi's suggestion is good though - perfect breakfast burritos!

Rae said...

I totally almost went to Long Beach on Sat too!! Weird.
But I'm with you, miss the west coast beaches.