Aug 19, 2007

Wigwams on a Wednesday.

An hour drive up on a very bumpy road {in Dad's truck}.

We picked our lunch all along the hike up {huckleberries}. Apparently the bears had the same idea. Every so often we'd see bear saliva stain on the rocks. It was purple.

Cougar tracks {or dog?}.

The Wigwams are to the far right on this picture, overlooking the bowl. It's quite a spectacular hike {and a bit scary when people get a little too close to the edge}.

Daughters with Dad.


The overhang.

Mike & Dad. Scary.


Heidi said...

What a cool hike!

Unknown said...

Kathryn, I missed you and your posts. Welcome back! Everything looks beautiful and relaxing and fresh. That cliff is a little scary, your niece is beautiful (Cole still doesn't have 1/2 the amount of hair she was born with) and it looks like you're loving your new swim suit. You look great of course. Let's talk soon.

Melissa said...

Your hike looks awesome!! Where are the wigwams at priest? Is it the same hike as the Chimney Rock hike? I can't remember....I've done the Chimny rock hike once...but it was a long time ago. I loved it!

I love all the pictures you posted from the lake...looks like a blast! Christopher's baby is just a doll!

I am sad I missed seeing you again while we both were in Spokane! I hope we catch up with eachother one of these times!

k. said...

Melissa, the Wigwams are further north than Chimney Rock... You turn off the east shore road just a few miles up the road from our cabin. It's such a great hike. I've only done it twice. Let's do it together next summer! I did see you beautiful Mom, your dad & Michael at church. It was fun to say hello (although too quickly).

Melissa said...

I would love to hike the Wigwams with you next summer. Lets plan on it! I haven't been on a good hike for a long time! (since I have had kids)I miss it!