Sep 8, 2007

The Bronx Zoo. Right off of the 5 train.

Thanks to Alyson for being the official photographer of the day! We were glad that she came with us {we've been NYC friends for a few years now? We met while I was working at McKinsey}. It was actually really fun to visit the zoo- sort of strange that it is in The Bronx & even more strange that it was quiet. It almost felt like we were not in the middle of miles & miles of urban sprawl. Almost.

We felt sorry for the polar bear. He was alone in a very small area & looked horrifically bored. Are zoo's a bad thing? Let's just say that most of the animals we saw were not living in luxury. I kept thinking of the movie Madagascar {not so good} & how they should all band together & bust out.

The reptile exhibit was not my favorite, but it was interesting. I'm okay with lizards, but I really, really hate snakes. They are definitely within the Top 5 on my list of not-favorite things.

The camera did not really cooperate for the Lion pictures, but here he is- right in the Bronx.

Giraffes are interesting animals. I don't understand how their skinny legs support their big bodies. There was a fairly horrific explanation {picture included} of how giraffe's mate outside of this exhibit. Let's just say it looked really awkward & uncomfortable, & I'm not really sure it was child-appropriate!

Funny looking fish, & the baby gorilla {I think their pot-bellies are so cute}.

The baby gorilla really loved the mommy gorilla. It was precious.

The Gorilla family {the dad was lounging around on the right, doing what looked like yoga- feet & hands in the air, stretching in various positions}.

The Butterfly Garden was one of my favorite parts of the zoo. It was a large greenhouse filled with hundreds of butterflies. With classical music playing, it was such a neat setting.


Elizabeth said...

The Pot Bellied Gorilla looks like hudson neck down.

Heidi said...

Hm well that zoo likes a lot nicer (for the animals) than the Hogle Zoo (in Utah). I am all for zoos, as long as they give the animals appropriate space and friends and whatever else. I think A LOT of zoos still struggle with that.

Lindsey said...

I'm excited to take Isobel to the London Zoo, but yea, I'm not sure how great they are for the animals too. I've only been to Hogle Zoo in SLC once and I left feeling really really bad for the animals! They all looked really sad there. Cute picture of you and your hubby!

Missy said...

The San Diego Zoo is the best! All the animals look pretty happy to be there (but it is San Diego:)...

Patrick&Kera said...

I feel so bad for zoo animals :( even though I like going to the zoo...
great pix.

Patrick&Kera said...

i can't get over the baby gorilla and its mommy.