Sep 7, 2007

Life lessons

I’ve learned quite a bit since my relatively recent merger with the Hudson clan. Here are a few highlights:
  1. You’re not cool unless you’ve seen a grizzly bear while on a motorcycle near Trapper Creek. Bonus cool points apply if the bear was dancing on a pile of moose sheds. Double bonus cool points apply if, during the sighting, the bear points out a particularly fruitful huckleberry bush. (Very few have successfully accomplished the elusive “Priest Lake Trifecta”).
  2. Crepes are THE best breakfast food. Period. Crepes served without a minimum of three cans of peaches and a half-gallon of yogurt are not real crepes. If you think otherwise, then you can just take your heresy elsewhere, mister!
  3. Just as the universe tends towards disorder, my nephew Harrison invariably tends towards sprinting to the dock without a life jacket.
  4. The Hudson’s have a secret family pact to single-handedly bankrupt Verizon Wireless via heretofore unimaginable abuse of free In-Network calls.
  5. A BAD dentist is easily recognizable.

I suppose I didn’t know how to spot a BAD dentist until I found a really GOOD dentist (thanks, Phil). After having seen the proverbial light, the universe, in its infinite wisdom, has seen fit to show me the darkest of darkness. Enter Dr. Ort.

My selection of Dr. Ort was based purely on his proximity to our apartment. I’m not a big fan of unnecessarily getting on/off and walking to/from the subway multiple times during a workday – too much hassle. Therefore in the interest of maintaining my sedentary routine, I opted instead to walk a short block-and-a-half to Dr. Ort’s dimly-lit, two room, art deco office.

The entire operation consisted of the good doctor, his admin, and his dental assistant (I wouldn’t call her a “hygienist” because 1. she wasn’t hygienic – I had to ask her to change her gloves after noticing a gaping hole in her left palm, and 2. she didn’t do anything but hold the suction hose).

Getting beyond the glaring superficial deficiencies, what concerned me most was that the dentist HIMSELF did my cleaning. I can’t remember the last time the dentist actually did the leg work – that stuff is supposed to be subcontracted out to the hygienist, right??

Anyhow, assuming I don’t have to return to serve this guy court papers for infecting me with HIV / herpes / hepatitis, I think it’s safe to say that I’ve seen the last of Dr. Ort.


Ben said...

Hate to say you can judge a book by its cover, but when Lauren was applying for jobs at dentists the office was a pretty good indicator of how good the dentist was. I'm glad the guy didn't mess you up your mouth or anything.

Jan said...

I read your post just before going to bed last night...It made me smile, as all your blogs do, but I also got a bit of the creeps thinking about your trip to Dr Ort. I know a Dr here in town who has his assistants wash their gloves to reuse - Yuck! One good thing to ask your dentist(or his receptionist before you even make the appointment) is where he went to school, for starters. Also, a trip across town might be well worth it considering the value of good oral health. Ask an associate from work for a referral, or maybe someone from church - it might help you to close in on someone better. Lesson learned, yes? Luckily you didn't see any roaches scurrying across the floor, but who knows, they may have been watching from a place, dark and safe! Thanks for sharing!

Phil said...

You NAILED it regarding the "Hudson clan" life learning experiences. I'm happy to have been a part of your motorcycle instruction. Now, Grasshoper, you are the master. I only humbly follow you on my 2008 KTYM X SF (with 42 horsepower). p.s. I love my new bike. Am headed to Priest Lake as we speak to do some work, and go riding.

Unknown said...

I took an HIV test during my pregnancy with Cole. It was optional.. and most people with my lifestyle wouldn't think twice about opting "no." But I had to think through all the times where I COULD have been infected (like bad dentists, working at *unmentionable name* treatment center and the like). I guess my point is- maybe you should opt "yes" nextime you have the chance too. You never know.

On a happier note- I'm so glad that the Hudson's do breakfast right. The crepes were by far one of the highlights of my trip to NY several years ago. :)

Tara Edwards said...

Gross! One of our best friends here is a dentist and we see him regularly for cleanings and he's even done some work for me but it is hard to not compare when you have my Dad for our dentist. I think we are way too informed to be easy dental patients. It's kind of like trying to go out to dinner after being a waitress. Way critical!