Sep 12, 2007


  • I do bulleted lists when I'm too tired to write something articulate, well thought out, & organized {but yet have a sense of obligation to provide proof that I am alive}.
  • I went to Philadelphia for work Monday & Tuesday. It was great fun. Dinner at Buddakan was absolutely amazing. We did the tasting menu {all 25 of us}. It was definitely the way to go when you are eating different food. I even ate the shrimp with the eyeballs attached {although I did remove the head first}. So fun. I know that Philadelphia is a great city {okay- sort of}, but we didn't see much- just stuck in the hotel for about 24 hours. Oh well. At least it was a nice hotel, & we did manage to pick up sushi, edamame & calamari at a cool restaurant next door.
  • I drove by Fashion Week @ Bryant Park on my cab ride home from Penn Station last night. It looked like quite the scene. There were a lot of very tall & thin people standing outside. I would so not fit in- no pun intended.
  • After four hours of sleep Monday night, I was dragging today. I left work at 4:30 {gasp!}, & Mike said he'd make it home early too so that we could hang out. Well- it's 7:08 & he's still at work. It's not his fault, but it's lonely without him around. I might even be bored. I think he was lonely when I was gone, too. I got home to find a massive tub of Dulce de Leche {our favorite Haagen Dazs} in the freezer... with a significant portion missing. Nice to know that he needs comfort food sometimes, too.
  • I still haven't gotten past the introduction in Anna Kerenina. Sigh. I feel like such a slacker. I've been spending my train rides either completely zoned out, or working away on my BlackBerry.


Tara Edwards said...

I do lists on my computer and then I color code them and then I copy them to sticky notes when I get stressed. I think I feel like if I just make a list and then physically check things off, I feel better. Strange huh! Maybe you could go for a walk with Mike on the treadmill :)

Jan said...

Dang - I just wrote a comment and it disappeared into cyberspace! There are some weeks where things are so compressed and busy that there seems to be no time to take a clear and relaxed breath. This week was one of those for me too. Yesterday, however, I threw it all to the wind and went blackberry picking for an hour in the early morning, up on the bluff. It was glorious and cool, with just Mary Ann, Kristen and her two youngest boys, and the bees to keep us company. I got a nice box of 8 lbs in short order, and now they are all safely in the freezer. The break was much needed and though I left the house in less than pristine condition, it was well worth it. I needed to get away from the "list" or I was going to go crazy. I know, I know, not everyone has that option.....but thankfully I do.