Sep 9, 2007

Nothing in particular.

  • I ran 8.25 miles yesterday. That's my PR, distance wise, since my sophomore year in college anyway. I'm still a little sore today, but it felt good. 13.1 feels more within reach at this point. The only problem was that I got a little bored. I'm glad that I'll have people to keep me company in SF for each mile. My sisters {Kera & Tara} are my daily inspiration & motivation. If they can do it {soccer games, preschool, recent birth, PTA, etc.} then I can, too. Plus, it's a fun excuse to go shopping for new workout clothes. I just won a really cute Nike jacket on Ebay. :)
  • Mike & I went to Trader Joe's yesterday afternoon and loaded up on frozen food. A whole freezer-full, really. We haven't been doing much cooking lately, & with September being a busy travel month for me, it makes sense to have ready-made food on hand. We love TJ's frozen edamame, gnocchi, corn, stir fry, and various pasta dishes. They're all so fast, inexpensive, relatively healthy, & yummy. We just need a Trader Joe's on the UES. It's a trek all the way down to Union Square {& not so fun carrying groceries all the way back via subway or bus}.
  • Mike informed me that it is not appropriate for me to use ampersands {"&"} during formal writing {for titles only}. Here's the deal- I like the look, & I like the simplicity. It's 2 less letters to type. I'll avoid it in my professional emails, but its use is sticking around on the blog. Sorry to the English majors out there.
  • I'm going to Philadelphia tomorrow for a quick 2-day trip for work. We're holding an event at a fancy-schmancy restaurant {Buddakan} tomorrow night, but otherwise, I'll likely be in a hotel. It's supposed to rain for the next 2 days. I'm not terribly thrilled to be traveling, & Philadelphia is not on my list of favorite cities {although they do have amazing restaurants & a really great Anthropologie}.
  • I miss my family {Haidyn, Quincy, Hudson, Cameron, Lexi, Avery, Riley, Parker, Spencer, Ellie & Harrison- in particular}.
  • I'm sleepy, & I must get up at 5:15am to run.


Jennifer said...

You know, I'm an English major and an English teacher and your ampersand use doesn't bother me in the least. I think it looks pretty.

Grammar rules are constantly evolving and maybe it's time to evaluate the use of ampersands.


Elizabeth said...

I miss my family {Haidyn, Quincy, Hudson, Cameron, Lexi, Avery, Riley, Parker, Spencer, Ellie & Harrison- in particular}.

- did you forget the Elizabeth????

Lindsey said...

I like the look of the &.

8.5 miles is soooo impressive to me.

k. said...

Jen, I like the look of the "&" too. I wish I could write them to look like I type them. :)

And Elizabeth- OF COURSE I miss you too. That was implied when I named your children!

Jan said...

So - Dad and I have an ongoing conversation about how language and the rules of grammer are constantly changing. I like changes which are functional, practical and when possible quick....shorthand like. After all we really don't have enough time in our days to write extra letters when they aren't necessary. :) That being said, I love formal letters which are old fashioned in their form. There's something solid and predictable about them.
Buddakan has a cool web site - you're going to have fun going there.
Hooray for Trader Joes....Thank goodness for GOOD frozen dinners. In my early days as a Mom, there was simply no such thing.
AND...your run - hard to believe! Whew. I'm going downstairs right now to do my Pilates and then ten minutes on the elliptical. That's all I have in me. Sad but true.

Jan said...

By the way, what is the funky sign Lindsey made...and wheere do you find it?