Oct 21, 2007


Starting Line- 7am. It was dark.
I did it. We did it. 13.1 miles. My longest run ever. And it was fun. A lot of fun. And beautiful. Oh so beautiful.
Special thanks {sniff, sniff} goes to Tara for going all 13.1 miles with me, & for always encouraging me over the last few months of training. May the guilt-trip calls continue! It has be so fun for her to be my cross-country running buddy. And to Kera- for being such a good example of how cool a mom to a 6-month old can be {and you should see how skinny she is- she is looking so cute!}. To Patrick, Mom & Dad for cheering us on along the way {in several locations- it was fun to see their familiar faces along the way}. I'm glad that you were all there. And- to the 23,000 other women who ran with us. It was absolutely empowering to be in this crowd.
And now- I wait at SFO for my flight back to JFK. It leaves at 10:50pm. It's only 9:00pm. I'm exhausted. Exhausted. Not just from the run, but from being on the West Coast for the last three days while my body is very much on East Coast time. I get in at 7:10am tomorrow morning, & am lucky enough to have to be at work late-morning for a few meetings. It should be a fun Monday. I really hate red eye flights.
Oh- & I will post pictures once I decide which of the 77 in my "marathon pictures for blog" folder I should actually upload.

Course Map.


Heidi said...

I am very impressed, can't wait to see more pics!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kathryn! I've been thinking about you all day today. I'm very excited to hear/see more. More than anything- lucky you for being among that crowd of women. I can't even imagine! I love being a girl...

Caitlin said...

Wow Kathryn, I am so impressed! good work! I was think about you all through church yesterday when I saw Mike sitting by himself! I think you earned a big cup of pinkberry!

Missy said...

Hooray! Congrats. Isn't it empowering? Can't wait to see what the necklace looked like this year...

Melissa said...

Wow! Way to go Kathryn!! That is a big accomplishment!! Thats great you were able to do it with your sisters...I'm sure it made it more fun for you!

Kellie said...

Congratulations!! Great job, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Elizabeth said...

Good Job! I am so impressed. I promise I will do one with you someday.

Lindsey said...

Congrats! I'm inspired just hearing your story. I want to go put on some running shoes and register for a race! Good job! Can't wait to see pics...

Lula. said...

That is so awesome. Very inspiring. Congrats!