Oct 22, 2007

Brief Recap.

The picture gluttony is over. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. San Francisco is beautiful. It was so fun to be there. Fun to see my family {especially to finally meet Haidyn}, fun to run a half marathon, fun to be out of New York for a few days... It was just a great trip.
I love San Francisco. It's got such a great vibe. It is definitely more laid back & less rushed than Manhattan... Everyone drives. People smile. There are trees & huge parks. The buildings are all relatively low. The hills are huge. No humidity, just fog. Cabs are few & far between. There is a Costco, with a parking lot. The beach is beautiful. San Francisco definitely has a different feel than NYC. I suppose that the lifestyles of the two cities are just different. Anyway- I loved it. I wouldn't mind ending up there... someday.
The race itself- Amazing. I'm so glad we did it. I just don't really feel like I can articulate the experience well enough to give the experience the justice it deserves. We woke up Sunday morning a little nervous {aka really, super nervous}. I totally choked up when the race started. I was embarrased that Tara might see, but I think she gets it. I got choked up a few more times along the way- listening to people cheering, seeing toddlers waving their signs, seeing a woman with one leg {+ a really cool looking prostheses} kicking my butt up one of the big hills... It was an emotional experience to do something with so many women, with my sisters... It was just cool. I want to do the full marathon next year {in July- you run over the Golden Gate Bridge}, or at least a full marathon at some point over the next 12 months {New York, St. George, Salt Lake, or San Francisco}. It is definitely an attainable goal. It felt so great to accomplish something big.
The course wasn't easy, but wasn't awful. San Francisco is a hilly place, and there were definitely a few that were tough {or just long}. My butt is feeling it today- but it's a good feeling, right? Right. I counted this morning- I walked up over 100 stairs to get to work {subway + Metro North station}. I definitely felt every single one, & subsequently had 800mg of IBU for breakfast. Walking home {down the steps} was even worse. The red eye flight- not so bad. I still felt like I had been hit by a truck today, but I did manage to sleep the entire flight home thanks to a fairly thorough case of exhaustion.
Tonight- I'm alone. Mike had to go to Boston this afternoon. We saw each other briefly this summer after I got home. I miss him. He was nice enough to make me breakfast this morning when I got home {he makes very fluffy eggs}. I was nice enough to dump the entire content of my suitcase onto the living room floor & immediately leave for work which means tonight = organization & cleaning for me {seemingly a tradition when I'm home alone} - & hopefully a 9pm bed time.


Tara Edwards said...

It was amazing wasn't it.
Thanks Kathryn :)

Kera said...

The stairs were my killer today, but that is aweful.

Kera said...

Ok, I was a little distracted while posting that last one. That was aweful how far you had to go to get to and from work today but FABULOUS we ran on sunday. I will never forget that morning and the feeling in the air!!!

C & E Hudson said...

I am so proud of you guys!!! That is awesome. I want to do one now!!!!

Lindsey said...

Congrats! You girls look so cute in all the pics. I love San Fran too. Would totally love to end up there someday...

Missy said...

I love doing races for that very reason - you feel so accomplished and it can really be an emotional thing. Way to go...

Jennifer said...

Um...finishing that race WILL ALWAYS be one of my greatest accomplishments. I'm so glad you did it. We should get a big group of blogging friends together for next year--we'd be coming from all over the world!!