Nov 4, 2007

Cough. Cough. Sniff.

I'm really glad that I have a nice set of mugs {thanks to my sweet BYU roommates at my wedding shower, if I remember correctly}. I've gone through all of them, a few times, over the last few days. I'm still sick. It just won't go away. So this morning- Mike's at church, while I'm on my couch drinking my 25th glass of herbal tea, while over-dosing on DayQuil. I figured I may as well not infect everyone at church. Oh- & I'm watching the NYC Marathon on the TV. Our street should start filling up with runners in about an hour. Hopefully Mike will be able to get home from church {he actually has to dart across 1st Avenue - we're right at Mile 18}.


Elizabeth said...

If you didn't want to go to church you could have just said so.. I am sorry your sick I have always liked thera flu.

Heidi said...

Yuck I really hope you feel better soon. I was super sick a few weeks ago but I could not take any of my normal remedies because of the pregnancy- it was pretty crappy.

Jan said...

This cold thing is really a longer variety this year....I've been sniffing for almost two weeks!

Lula. said...

I hope you feel better, and the marathon running by your house must be quite the sight.