Nov 6, 2007

Sick day numero dos.

Oh- & if there is a gluttony of posts today, I'm sorry. I'm sick. In bed. Not tired enough to sleep. And terribly bored.
{It's only 8:13am. It's going to be a long day.}


Jan said...

Nyquil....then you could sleep....maybe.... I got SO tired of lying still when I was sick that I almost jumped out of my skin. It was awful, but I literally could not do anything but hold still. Even my brain was mush.

Missy said...

Your book of the week - I haven't read it, but both my brother's have and they both say they love it.

Lindsey said...

hope you feel better soon!! Your book looks interesting...I'm totally judging it by it's cover as I've never heard anything about it.

k. said...

Okay, I admit. I haven't started it. 2 days sitting on the couch and I haven't read a word.

I'm thinking I'm going back to work tomorrow, and then I'll read- on the train. I've heard great things, so I'm excited (it won the Nobel Prize, if that means anything to you).