Nov 1, 2007


I went to Boston. For about 25 hours. To Harvard, specifically. It is fun to be familiar with Cambridge, to find the best pizza {crunchy outer crust, with a fluffy inner crust} & the best ice cream {chai-flavored}. Otherwise, it was a quick in-&-out trip.
I'm sick, it turns out. Going up & down in an airplane did not help my already clogged head. Mike got sick too, right after I left- probably from being so sad that I was gone. Or maybe just from us sharing germs. Either way, we're now both on the couch, sick, & watching an episode of The Office that is not so funny. Sad {both about The Office, & us not feeling so hot}.
I'm excited for a mellow weekend.


Elizabeth said...

so you should rent license to wed it had jim and meredith, and a few other characters from the office.. I thought it was cute.. I am sorry you guys are sick I hate when that happens. FEEL BETTER!

Heidi said...

Sick is the worst, hope you get lots of sleep this weekend.