Nov 13, 2007

You're it.

I've been tagged- by Kelli. I love Kelli. I couldn't possibly say no to her. The problem is, it's sort of hard for me to think of seven truly interesting things about myself. So, prepare to be underwhelmed.
  1. I hate being told what to do. Various life examples, at three different life stages: A) People tried to give me a nickname when I was a little girl {Katie}, & I was definitely in the habit of telling them that my name is Kathryn, not Katie. I would have none of this nickname business, despite people's insistence. B) When I was making my college decision, every single person on the planet was telling me to go to BYU, trying to convince me that it was the only place where I could be happy as an undergraduate. It is likely a fair assessment to say that I was a fiercely independent teenager so, naturally, I went the complete opposite direction & enrolled at the most liberal university in Washington. I'm glad I went & it was a terrific learning experience- but I eventually ended up at the Y. C) I worked as an executive assistant when we first moved to New York. After 2 weeks, I was absolutely, positively miserable. I hated responding to other people's endless daily requests. After getting on my intended career track {job #2}, I found that I felt increasingly stifled in the bureaucratic environment of a large firm. I'm now wonderfully content at an entrepreneurial hedge fund {job #3} where I work almost entirely independently, yet have the resources of a great team should I need it. Love it. To be clear though, I'm not a hermit- I'm just independent, & generally like working as such.
  2. I can't sleep with socks on. I just can't do it. I hate having constricted toes. Besides, Mike really loves it when my freezing feet touch his leg. It's his favorite.
  3. I favor the Left. I can only talk on my phone with my left ear {I'm probably deaf in the right, for all I know}. I can only carry my bag on the left side {sometimes resulting in pain}. But the right side... I just can't do it.
  4. I have 5 Love Languages. Have you read the book? If not, you should. It talks about the different ways that individuals give & receive love. It turns out that I like to receive love in most ways {keep in mind that most people have a "top 2" or something}. This may make life difficult for Mike on occasion, but I'm very good at loving, despite the fact that I might be approaching needy at times.
  5. I would hire a full-time back scratcher if I could. A real person, not a metal instrument. Having my back scratched {preferably while falling asleep, although I'm generally quite flexible} is one of my most favorite things in the world. Mike would probably say that he is my professional back scratcher, but professionals don't get tired & quit, do they {love you!}?
  6. I'm ridiculously terrible at bowling. We have bowling night on Thursday of this week for work, & I'm pretty sure my team is going to hate me. I'm awful. Like, I've-never-broken- 70 awful. But I do really like to bowl. And I think the shoes are great.
  7. I'm happiest at the lake, at the cabin, in the living room, with my family, talking about nothing in particular- or getting killed by Dad at Trivial Pursuit. We should just throw that game away {which we basically have, since Dad makes up his own questions most of the time anyway}.

I tag: Patrick, Ryan Holdaway, Mom & Tara. And Joanna & Erin. Plus Kellie {this means you have to actually start a blog}! If you don't do it, a swarm of killer unicorns will attack you in the middle of the night. Just an FYI.


Missy said...

This was fun to did you end up getting job #2 which made it possibly for job #3?

Lindsey said...

Fun - a friend was just talking about the 5 Love Languages. I will have to check it out. I'm horrible at bowling too.

I need to follow-up on my tag.

Jan said...

I don't do tag. I just don't. BUT I do love reading yours....and Keras...and anyone elses who I love. I was thinking this morning while I was reading something not very cerebral( I had time to kind of mentally drift a bit).....about how much I love our family. I love each and every one of you....fiercely. You are wonderful, competant, individual, loving people....I am so blessed to be your Mom!

k. said...

Mom, you have to. Remember the killer unicorns.

And Missy- I got job #2 (at Goldman) after a lot of networking. It was a huge blessing. Job #3 has been even better (also found via networking).

Kellie said...

That made me laugh. I know starting a blog is something I should probably do, but I would need serious lessons from you - mine would be so boring in comparison. I still can't believe we're moving...

Heidi said...

This is totally random but my sister did this a week ago and wrote nearly the exact same thing about the back scratcher. It does sound pretty nice!