Dec 2, 2007

Limited details, so much fun in Seattle.

The only pictures that I have thus far are those taken with my camera. More to come, once we all swap. In the meantime, here are a few that are publishable & appropriate for public {well, semi-private} viewing. It was a fun weekend. Not my typical kind of fun, but definitely my-best-friend-is-getting-married fun. The girls were accommodating to my unusual dietary requirements {think cranberry juice shots}, & I kept everyone safe & happy {for the most part}. I stayed out later than I have in months {okay, years}, went to a super cool dueling-pianos bar called Chop Sticks {New York needs one- I would go often}, & had so much fun at the spa {best. facial. ever.}.
Spokane girls {high school friends}.
Stashia {2nd in from the right} & I won 2nd place in the lingerie design competition. We thought that our design was modern, while functional {no need to go into details}.
Alissa opening her "What your Mother Never Told You About Sex" book {it actually looked really good...} that her mom gave her. I love Gretchen {in the background, covering her mouth}, & also love that she gave Alissa the most scandalous piece of clothing of the night. :)
Yes- Gretchen came out with us. She lasted until 1am- very impressive.
Call me if you want to hear stories. The party bus was fun, although I sort of felt like I belonged on a reality TV show.
Alissa, Jenny & me. Friends since 7th grade.


Melissa said...

How fun!! :)

Jan said...

Call on the way home in the limo....I need details!

Heidi said...

Man I love wedding showers- the hilarious scandalous topics keep me laughing for hours

Kera said...

I love the honeymoon attire. You should audition for Project Runway.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, what can I say??? The best part of the WHOLE weekend was that you were there Kathryn - it would not have been the same without you! A weekend to remember forever. Good job on sensoring the pics :-) (aka,thanks for sparing me!).

P.S. My face still feels AMAZINGLY soft from the facial - I wish I could be pampered like that all the time!

Love you and can't wait to see you again soon!!!

Lula. said...

This is kind of random, but I LOVE the moldings in that place that the shower was held.