Jan 7, 2008


I forgot to mention that last Friday, while I was on the subway up to 125th street, a woman right next to me projectile vomited, missing my face by a mere 3 inches. To say it was disgusting would be an understatement, but despite some drive heaving, I managed to keep whatever was in my own stomach down {luckily I eat breakfast at work every day}. She was clearly hungover {maybe still intoxicated?}. I felt bad that I didn't even have a tissue to offer her, but my Are you Okay? was met with a yes.
And then, just a few minutes later... The man sitting next to me on the train got up to get off at his stop, & while carelessly pulling down his suitcase {it was large, & he was only utilizing one of his arms for some reason}, managed to drop it on my head. Seriously His suitcase! On my head. It sort of hurt, but luckily I didn't break my neck. I swear these things only happen in movies.
And then {yes, there's more} on Saturday, I was waiting for the bus in the morning & heard a plop. I looked down next to my feet & then up at the tree above me {filled with birds}. A silver-dollar size ooze of bird poop missed my head {or face?} by inches. I know, it could have been worse. But it was too close for comfort.
Bad things come in three's, right? Hopefully I'm done.


Jan said...

Oh dear, oh dear!
Bird poop on the head would have been awful, but the vomit is too gross to imagine! Suitcase on the head? Did he apologize"? So sorry. Maybe you need a Good Samaritan kit to take with you on the subway.

Tara Edwards said...

Yuck! I'm glad the bird, and the man, missed. I'm sorry about the suitcase!

Lula. said...

Only in NYC, it seems. I imagine the suitcase hurt! And really, I don't think I would have been able to control my own stomach with vomit coming that close to me.

How do the other people on the subway react to this sort of thing?

Lindsey said...

Yuck. Ouch. And yuck! I've gotten pooped on by a bird once in London, but I've had close calls since. I am glad you at least escaped the vomit and bird poop. I can barely handle my daughter's vomit...