I tend to get into phases. Lately, I've had a hard time making decisions, which means that I've ordered the same thing for lunch every day for about the past 2 weeks. My mid-day meal has consisted of a spicy tuna roll with a seaweed salad. Every day. Typically, with a Diet Coke, but I quit last weekend {again- it just might stick this time}.
I ordered the same combination on Monday, & as soon as I smelled the seaweed salad, I almost threw up {too much of a good thing, I suppose}. I was traveling yesterday & didn't eat lunch at my office, but today... On the menu again, & it was delicious. Is it bad to eat raw fish every day? Maybe. But I really like eating my food with sticks.
Sort of like my PB&J obsession...
I just read this article, which actually goes on and on, but the important thing to keep in mind is that tuna is a great, high protein food source....But in controlled quantities.
Mercury is a HUGE probem, especially for "women of childbearing age" (read: women aged 12-40) because mercury bioaccumulates - meaning it moves up the food chain and the higher up the animal the more mercury in its system (which is why tuna are so problematic - the biggest ones are the ones we eat, and they're the ones who've eaten all the smaller fish and acquired all of their mercury) - and it stays in your system for a long time.
But it is NOT only a problem for women. in addition to being a reproductive toxin (it acutally passes through the placenta to the fetus and even if the mother is not eating mercury-contaminated food at the time, the mercury in her system gets passed on), it is also an immunotoxin, a developmental toxin, a liver toxin, a kidney toxin, and a cardiovascular toxin. so, the effects are worse for women (because they can pass mercury to an unborn child) but they still exist for men - though not as acute - and are DEFINITELY acute for children
If you need help deciding on lunch - call me or Tara - we're VERY opinionated and can help you keep variety on your place.
I am a closed minded person as far as raw fish is concerned its due to Grandpa trying to always get me to eat lochs and bagels. it makes my stomach turn when I think about raw fish. I am glad you like it though.
All I can say is you would think ordering lunch from wherever you want on seamless web every day would be an easy task, but I totally understand how overwhelming the choices can be, which is why I end up ordering the same thing all the time too. You are not alone!
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