Jan 13, 2008


Sometimes I think it would be really great to be three years old again. But maybe without the huge bangs this time.


Unknown said...

so cute. can't wait to see what a mini-kathryn looks like.

Lindsey said...

I think that sometimes too - life was so simple!

Jan said...

I remember thinking your bangs were pretty big too, but that's just how your hair lay in those days. You were an absolutely beautiful little girl. One of your trademarks were the little ribbons you always wore. I had a hanger with them on it - I'm sure there were dozens. I think you should post the picture of you in the pink frilly bathing suit,( with flowers in your hair) which we took in Palm Springs. It would delight everyone!

Elizabeth said...

I love that picture. and yes I wish I could be young again and that recess was what I looked forward to during the day and what game I could play.