Jan 10, 2008

My sister, the Hero {Part Deux}

For the 2nd year in a row, here's my dad & Joanna at the White House Christmas party. GWB might not be on my Top 10 list of Best Presidents Ever, but it's still pretty amazing that Joanna was invited.


Heidi said...

Why does she get invited? What is her job?

Jan said...

Crazy, yes?

Missy said...

Seriously what is her job?

Melissa said...

That is the coolest picture!! How neat for her!

Lindsey said...

Yes, what does she do?!

Lindsey said...

okay - i just read the link in your post from last year...that is really cool she gets to do that!

Heidi said...

Oh I guess we had to go to the link to find out her job right? I finally figured that out. Cool.

Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

Yes, what is her job? How cool to be invited.