Jan 13, 2008


My new favorite movie. Loved the sharp, witty humor, loved the soundtrack, loved the uniqueness of it. Such a great film. I will buy it & re-watch it several times as soon as it comes out on DVD.

Atonement... I loved this one, too. I cheated & watched the movie before finishing the book. The music was beautiful, Kiera Kneightly was amazing {as was her costuming} & the portrayal of Briony was perfect {she gave me chills}. The story... was heartbreaking.


Missy said...

I've been wanting to see Juno for a while. Maybe we will go next weekend. I've heard the soundtrack and it IS great.

Atonement's story is heartbreaking, a hard read, but I still liked the book. I'll have to see the movie.

Kera said...

two films we both want to see... I am happy they both turned out great. I hate getting dissapointed in movies.
Speaking of book :) Have you read the twighlight series at all?

k. said...

Kera, definitely see Juno. You guys would really love it. So funny.

I haven't started Twilight... I'm still trying to finish Atonement, & then have to find a free weekend when I can read all three in one sitting. Apparently that's the only way to do it, right? :)

Unknown said...

Juno and August Rush are both on my list. And The Great Debaters. Any other reviews?

Lindsey said...

I really want to see Juno. Comes out here in Feb. I can't wait.

Heidi said...

Well I hardly see movies in theaters. In college I went like once a week. The past year- like two total. I still see lots of movie though on DVD and both of these are on my Netflix queue. I'll just have to wait a few extra months.