Jan 6, 2008


I love these guys. They're always there, & they have so much fun playing. I could sit & watch for hours. It's even better in the summer when the crazy roller skaters are there listening to their music (imagined or otherwise) & doing their interpretive dances on wheels. Very strange. Very fun.


Heidi said...

Did you just take this footage? I thought it would be colder there right now... That guy is in shorts!

k. said...

Yup, taken today (Sunday). NYC = about 55 degrees today. Warm. Last Wednesday = about 12 degrees. No fun.

Elizabeth said...

wow those tricks are cool.. the bald one kept messing up though.. it almost looked like a yo yo or something.

Lula. said...

i feel bad for the guy closest to the camera. you can tell he is trying to be as good as the other two...maybe if he keeps practicing every day...?