Jan 13, 2008


Remember this post? Who doesn't love to talk about mascara? :) We all know how much I've loved my MAC ZoomLash. I've used it for years. Or at least ever since it came out, & before that I was using MAC's other mascara. Anyway- Tara called the other day & convinced me that I had to step outside of my comfort zone. Obediently, I quickly went off to Candy Land {Sephora} & picked up this super-80's looking tube of mascara. I tried it out today & the first word out of my mouth was, "whoa". I'm completely sold, with a resolve to spread the good news.
While I don't generally like the use of the word "gal" {just one of those weird things that bug me- I prefer "lady", "woman", "girl" or just about anything else}, this mascara truly rocks. The brush is ridiculously huge, but delivers a completely smooth, lush application of mascara without any clumps. I look like I'm wearing false lashes, without looking like I'm wearing gobs of makeup. The price tag isn't quite as nice as MAC, but it's so worth it.


Kera said...

Oh Mascara, I do love you so.

Heidi said...

Does it separate well? I don't really care if mascara lengthens or thickens my lashes, I just want them to be well separated!

k. said...

Heidi- yes. My lashes are perfectly separated today. :)

Unknown said...

I'm SO not a thickening person, but I like lengthening and separation. And this morning was that morning where my mascara had gone bad and I almost went crazy even trying to use it. I need a replacement stat.

You always have the good beauty buys.

p.s.. love the new look. I know I'm a week late with the header, but the new york sign is back again, right?!

Missy said...

Remember I told you I had this one? I really loved it in the beginning, but it kind of didn't last that long for me.

I still like the MAC one.

k. said...

Oh, I totally forgot Missy.

We'll see how it works. I know that I still love MAC, so if it putters out for me too, I can always go back. :)

And Kelli- this isn't super thick. It's definitely not clumpy, but I know that you always have really natural looking/pretty lashes, so maybe this is too much for you. I need lots of help. :) And I keep messing with the header... still not quite satisfied, and yes, the NYC sign is new (similar to an older one I used, but not quite the same). I need a graphic designer.

Lula. said...

You totally read my mind. I was going to post about mascara myself with a request for recommendations. I have never found a mascara that suits me which always leads me back to the drugstore for that ever-so-famous pink and green tube.

I will definitely have to give this a try. Thanks!

Julia said...

I think I felt the same way you did before I tried it, but this is now my hands-down all-time favorite mascara.