Jan 19, 2008


USA Today has a Candidate Match poll on their website {thanks Melissa}, that while obviously overly simplistic, is interesting.

I've always liked Obama. My results showed as much.


Tara Edwards said...

Very interesting! Both the quiz, and that you support Obama! Interesting! I took the quiz, and it turns out my top match has dropped out of the race, but my number two came up Romney. I'm pretty much a Republican tried and true.

suz said...

I agree, very interesting. I thought I liked Obama as far as Democrats go but had not made a choice along the line of republicans. Ron Paul came in first for me and Romney came in 3rd for me (I am shocked over who came in 2nd on my list). Something to think about for sure.

Unknown said...

Oh. I hated my results and they So do not show how I'm planning on voting. I'm an Obama fan as well among a couple of others. I think I need to study up on the issues more.

Jan said...

I seriously need to study up more on the issues. It turns out I am not nearly as informed as I would like to think. I'm afraid the results of the poll indicated that. I need a political mentor that can figure it all out for me so I make the best choice. I'm not lazy or stupid, but each and every issue has its complexities, so the answers are not so easy as they seem.

Melissa said...

I'm glad you had fun with this poll. I definitely need to be more informed on some of the issues, but ineteresting to see results anyway. My top 3 were all Republican.

Ben said...

I have to admit I was surprised to see that Romney was the best match for "the poll" (an average of all respondents). Since his politics tend to wander the spectrum a little I don't know if that means that he has chosen the "correct" side on most issues or just that he agrees with everybody on something.