Feb 11, 2008


In my lunch {yes, I had sushi today}. "You will be pleasantly surprised soon."


Kellie said...

I can't wait to hear what the surprise is!

Julia said...


at least it was a real fortune. I hate the ones that say things like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" it is supposed to be a fortune, duh!

Missy said...

I seriously love fortune cookies. They are SO much fun and it's such a simple surprise to open it up and read...

Tara Edwards said...

I love surprises! How fun!

Sine family said...

So any news on the pleasant surprise? I love fortune cookies. Have you ever had a chocolate dipped fortune cookie? DELICIOUS!!

Jan said...

Do you think that your new discovery as of today, just might be part of the pleasant surprise?......I think it's quite pleasant, and it IS a surprise...right?
I also think that you are in a position to make a difference in a least one person's life, for sure. -Maybe you should drive him to the shore one day.....I think he might really love it!

Kera said...

Right before haidyn was born (as in a couple days before) Patricks fortune cookie said "a visitor will delight you soon"
we still have it :)