Feb 27, 2008

Speaking of estrogen...

I'm having one of those weeks, as in, so busy I can barely breathe weeks. To top it off, my ovaries hurt. Why is it that I can feel my ovaries? Individually? Ouch.

On a related note, I love these babies. My new favorite. Just as great as the original Pearl, but small & discreet.*

*Reminder: If there is too much estrogen on this blog, or you'd prefer to not read about my tampons of choice, too bad. It's my blog, so I can talk about anything I want.


suz said...

Your fine print is funny. Very, very funny!

Julia said...

You can blog about anything you want, that is the beauty of a private blog. I was going to talk about my boobs today-- but that one will have to wait.

I love the new compact pearls, like the originals (the best) but small!

Jan said...

Now why is it that they invent something so wonderful AFTER my hour (or years) of need has passed? I'll tell you, I found out at a very young age that these items are not something you want to buy the generic or store brand of. My ovaries hurt too - usually mid cycle for a few hours. I guess it's a good sign things are working...:)

Jan said...

By the way - Did I ever tell you the story of my bestest friend who had a large super-economy size box of said items under her bathroom sink? She ended up with leaking pipes and when the plumber came to look down below, he found the whole box had become soaked, and had expanded to fulfill their fullest potential so to speak. She was SOOO embarrassed. I guess it was a bit like popcorn popping on the apricot tree!

Melissa said...

Kathryn you crack me up! I love reading your blog!! Hope you get feeling better soon. :)

Kellie said...

Haven't seen these, I'll have to peruse the "estrogen" aisle at Target on my next visit.

Bret said...

Kathryn, those aren't allowed in my home. Please leave them at the door. Our home is masculine and it is a private home so I can choose what comes in and out of it.

Missy said...

You are funny. I am sorry you're having one of those weeks though. At least you have a vacation at the end of it right? Wait, do you leave today for Utah??

Tara Edwards said...

I have to admit, I don't have a favorite, and I hate checking out at Safeway when my only option is a male teller. But I have a funny tampon story. One day, I came into my bathroom, to discover Harrison with an entire box of tampons unwrapped and pushed out of the holders into the toilet. They were all big, and he was just having so much with his little shooters as he was caling them. Not fun, but almost as funny as the time I came in to find light day pads stuck all over my walls and my furniture.

Unknown said...

Really? Just as good as the original? Remind me sometime to tell you the funniest story I've ever heard about feminine products and clueless male tellers.

* Excellent points.