Mar 21, 2008

Thursday morning.

  • Take the extra time to actually do my hair {thoroughly blow dry, with a round brush - i.e. extra effort, extra time}, thanks to a day with several important meetings & a fancy dinner out with a group from work.
  • Get on a subway, which for whatever reason, is probably hovering around a sweltering 97 degrees {on a blamy 50 degree day - no reason for the heaters to be blasting like we are in the middle of a blizzard}. Down coat does not help {I get chilly easily}.
  • Get stuck somewhere between 86th Street & 125th for a number of very long & miserable minutes. Feel the sweat start to drip down my back & pile on my forehead.
  • Bangs immediately stick to forehead. Hair goes totally flat. So much for the round brush.
  • Finally make it to 125th Street, where I walk the block to the Metro North station.
  • Wind gusts of 40+ miles per hour are almost strong enough to knock me over. Hair immediately resembles a mountain lion.

Some days I just don't know why I even bother. Suffice it to say, the hair went in a ponytail & I came home before my dinner to reassemble myself.


Jan said...

Seriously funny. I guess it just goes to show that sometimes we just can't win when Mother nature is concerned.

Julia said...

Oh Kathryn, seriously the story of my life. I'm sure you still looked fabulous though.

Missy said...

I totally got this post. But, the stick figures made it so much better. Were you really wearing a black ensemble like that too? ;)

Kera said...

hey try this, first, cut off almost all your hair, second, get hit on by lesbians often, third, never worry about a blow dryer or flat iron again!! its like a dream. except for the lesbian part.

k. said...

Missy, yup. :) I wear a lot of black. My dress wasn't quite so "triangle", but it was black.

Kellie said...

That's terrible! Especially if you hate to do your hair as much as I hate doing mine!