Mar 25, 2008


We sacrifice, living in New York. This isn't a pity-party. I know we choose to live here {& we love it, most days}. But still. One of the biggest sacrifices: space. We just don't have it, despite paying well over your typical mortgage payment in rent. If I think about it for too long, it's nauseating. With the lack of space also comes a lack of amenities, in house.

If I could have one wish this year, it would be to have my very own washer & dryer. I know that's not much for many, but after 3 years of hauling my laundry down to the laundry room, I'm worn out. Last night was a prime example- our ancient washing machine required THREE cycles just to rid our sheets of detergent residue. Three. Ridiculous. So frustrating. Anyway. We finally have clean sheets {thanks to Mike - I fell asleep on the couch}, but I'm just really wishing I could do laundry in my own home, on my own time. Naked even, if I wanted to.


Jill said...

OH GIRL. Well said. When we were in our last apt in SLC I said that our next place HAD to have a DW & W/D. Little did I know we'd be down-grading by 500 sq.ft. in our next place :)

Also - I went to a baby shower in Brooklyn on Sat - super cute area, and all of the apartments are ENORMOUS. I was talking about moving out there the rest of the day (big kitchens, W/D hook-ups, and the same $$ or less!) Its killing me.

Kellie said...

Just remember, one day it will all be yours!

Kera said...

ok, now I really can't complain about our washer (even though I could throw it off a cliff and shoot it)
we have to manually switch the cycle which happens 4 times during one laundry session. We can't just put a load in and come back when its done. I mean, I should be grateful I don't have to hand wash my clothes, but, this washer has GOT to GO!

Kera said...

I wouldn't even be mean enough to give our washer away to someone for free. it would only cause them grief.

Unknown said...

I was in this same state of mind a year and a half ago, after almost two years of hauling my laundry down four flights of stairs and halfway up the block to the laundromat. I was convinced we HAD to buy an apartment with a washer/dryer. We didn't. But on the bright side, taking my laundry down the elevator to the basement and washing it there seems like a luxury after a fourth-floor walkup with no laundry in the basement. So just think . . . it could be worse, right?

Tara Edwards said...

I think I would get all my laundry dry cleaned. Not that I'm suggesting that!