Apr 1, 2008

April Fool's Day {but these are all true}.

Truth: I didn’t get into the Nike Women's Marathon & I’m depressed about it. Depressed about not having something to train for, depressed about not having the excuse to have a girl’s weekend in San Francisco, depressed about not working towards a goal for months on end with my sisters. Sigh.

Truth: I colored my hair last weekend & it is just a touch too dark. I’m feeling slightly gothic, especially with the bangs. I hope it fades.

Truth: I got home at a decent time last night & proceeded to sit on my couch for 2 hours watching Dancing with the Stars & The Bachelor, while eating cereal for dinner. I don’t even like either of those shows, but if I did, I’d vote for Kristi Yamaguchi. Mike was at work late, & I didn’t have the energy to do anything else.

Truth: I just ate so many gummy bears that my stomach hurts.

Truth: I started reading What is the What the other day, but it is already so sad that I just can’t bring myself to pick it up. This being said, in the past few days I have watched Ten Things I Hate About You & Along Came Polly on my iPod while on the train. My options are somewhat limited. I'll get to the book, but I'm just not quite ready to be sad.

Truth: My assistant at work just came up to me & said, “Hey, I heard you wore a pink shirt yesterday.” She heard?? Uhm, I definitely wear too much black.


Missy said...

I love the last one. That's great that you wearing a pink shirt becomes the office gossip.

Kera said...

i love black, and I am also way bummed about the SF marathon. Freak. Ok here is an idea. Lets all go to San Francisco and spend a weekend eating, drinking raspberry lemonade, and shopping. Hey we could even get massages and go running if we wanted to :)

Sine family said...

I noticed your hair on Sunday and couldn't decide what was different not in a bad way. I don't think it looks gothic I thought it looked really cute.

Lindsey said...

I'm with Missy. I love that your pink shirt is office gossip.

So sad for you re: the marathon! Did your sisters get in? I think you girls should go for Kera's alternative plan...

Elizabeth said...

I like pink skirts you should have probably taken a picture to prove it to us.....

Side note - when kathryn came to visit me she did not have one shirt that was not dark or black but she got some really cute shirts that were of actual colors..

Tara Edwards said...

I like black and I would wear it every day. It's just a comfortable color, so I don't think it's bad!

Kellie said...

I'm sorry about the marathon; although it does make me feel better about not signing up. Did I tell you I'm doing a local 5K...baby steps.

One of my 2008 goals was not to buy any black clothing - harder done than said. So far I've only purchase one sweater. I justified it by pointing out that it is a season-transition sweater and super cute. Not bad for three months.

Jennifer said...

I didn't get in either. I'm really po'd about it. Really. I'm wondering if Ryan can pull any of his political strings...I asked and he laughed at me. I'll ask him again later.